Quarantine Dreaming


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Yep @mikerezny have all that covered it was the actual mounting itself I was after....... have seen quite a few where they run their gennies in the box but never bothered with a closer look as it was not needed, in fact I had an idea as to how I could set mine up in the back of the Colorado with an external exhaust...
My idea for the van is to have a plate on rear bar with appropriate support, fix 4 x gearbox type mounts to it, the bottom of the box I would weld some extra panels where the mounts fit to spread the load to negate any fractures............... but after drawing up some stuff last night been thinking its a lot of stuffing around for something thats used occasionally so might just put a panel on the rear bar and bolt it down, keeping the alloy seperate from the steel though, since I have to move my rear light panel that will take the fun out of it.....beside the genny is heavy enough add the box then more crap.....................nah give it a miss............. Might end up like sleeping in the bunk with a fridge van hooked up....:bounce:

Genny is a Honda 2kva @mfexpanda

Next dream is for my July Stimulus Payout a center console for the boat.........................
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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
Brookfield, Vic
A Honda 2 kw is not very big or heavy and I think there are many with slides made in aluminium online .
Mounted using some type of vibration mounts if needed.
I would try it without fancy mounting first and go from there.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
A Honda 2 kw is not very big or heavy and I think there are many with slides made in aluminium online .
Mounted using some type of vibration mounts if needed.
I would try it without fancy mounting first and go from there.

Yep, its 21kg so with box about 30kg, counter weight for the extra battery up front.............. I'm was going to go with making a support frame on the rear bar and bolting the alloy box to it, no sense faffing about so it can run in the box for the short periods it gets used, Mrs D reckons leave it behind as we hardly use it, might even follow her advise, use a laundromat or stop at a caravan park, I can make a pair of undies last a week or more, just leave them on the line.................. I hate it when I talk myself out of great mods............. so what to spend the $250 for the genny box on ???????????????


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Seems we will have plenty of time to dream so a few things need to be done so when the dream turns to reality the wheels don't fall off.......

Van Maintenance:..................... BIg Mal usually sits still for maybe 3 or 4 mths at most and once at least during that time I will flush the tanks, rotate the wheels and other things, so this is a good time to look at your rig since it may be sitting doggo for awhile.

Here's how I go about things;
Firstly I have a jack stand under the draw bar and the wheels are chocked with the hand brake off, thats how its parked up, now I'll jack up a wheel at a time, making sure the chocks are blocking a wheel on each side, (using a jack stand and not a jockey wheel means the front won't move) I mark the top of each tyre with chalk and give each wheel a few spins then give them a bearing shake, adjust if needed and set the wheel down with the chalk mark now on the ground to save hopefully a flat spot, of course checking pressure, nicks and cuts........

Also have a squiz behind the wheel at the brake wiring and handbrake cable, U bolts etc grease shackle pins if fitted or other grease points and while under there look at all the other bits hanging around under the rig........
Now that underneath is done you can drain and refill the water tanks, clean the pump line filter if fitted before you do while its dry, then you can move inside the van give all taps a run on pump and mains not forgetting the HWS, I always leave it and water tanks full, its really a personal preference I think, works for me...
With showers/ensuites sometimes having NRV in the drain give the drains a good flush to clear any Goobers living there...
The Thunder Can also can get a rinse out and the seals a quick hit with olive oil to keep them pliable, don't use other oils....if the can is nice an dry its a good time to take the lid off and give it a good rinse to wash out all the dried up scale that builds up.....
Thats the main stuff, especially look at your tyres a rotate will do them good every couple of months and always check the wheel nuts, always even if you get a Van Dude in to do stuff check your wheel nuts afterwards.......
I run my diesel heater for 30 mins each month, AC gets a run every so often as well as lights, the fridge will get fired up on 240 and gas ate least the month before we head off with the main demon the 7 pin plug checked a few days before, it will still crap out on the day though.........

Anyway check your rig over every couple of months if its sitting there, so no surprises when you get to head off next.......

PS: Big Mal always has the solar charging the batteries if yours is inside then its always ideal just to plug it in to 240 so the batteries get a trickle charge all the time, modern chargers will keep them in good nick far better than just plugging in the charger a week before you depart, your battery should last longer as well.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2013
Sunbury VIC.
Seems we will have plenty of time to dream so a few things need to be done so when the dream turns to reality the wheels don't fall off.......
Van Maintenance, BIg Mal usually sits still for maybe 3 or 4 mths at most and once at least during that time I will flush the tanks, rotate the wheels and other things, so this is a good time to look at your rig since it may be sitting doggo for awhile.
Here's how I go about things,
Firstly I have a jack stand under the draw bar and the wheels are chocked with the hand brake off, thats how its parked up, now I'll jack up a wheel at a time, making sure the chock is blocking a wheel on each side, (using a jack stand and not a jockey wheel means the front won't move) I mark the top of each tyre with chalk and give each wheel a few spins then give them a bearing shake, adjust if needed and set the wheel down with the chalk mark now on the ground to save hopefully a flat spot, of course checking pressure, nicks and cuts........

Also have a squiz behind the wheel at the brake wiring and handbrake cable, U bolts etc greae shackle pins if fitted ro other grease points and while under there look at all the other bits hanging around under the rig........
Now that underneath is done you can drain and refill the water tanks, clean the pump line filter if fitted before you do while its dry, then you can move inside the van give all taps a run on pump and mains not forgetting the HWS, I always leave it and water tanks full, its really a personal preference I think, works for me...
With showers/ensuites sometimes having NRV in the drain give the drains a good flush to clear any Goobers living there...
The Thunder Can also can get a rinse out and the seals a quick hit with olive oil to keep them pliable, don't use other oils....if the can is nice dry its a good time to take the lid off and give it a good rinse to wash out all the dried up scale that builds up.....
Thats the main stuff, especially look at your tyres a rotate will do them good every couple of months and always check the wheel nuts, always even if you get a Van Dude in to do stuff check your wheel nuts afterwards.......
I run my diesel heater for 30 mins each month, AC gets a run every so often as well as lights, the fridge will get fired up on 240 and gas ate least the month before we head off with the main demon the 7 pin plug checked a few days before, it will still crap out on the day though.........

Anyway check your rig over every couple of months if its sitting there, so no surprises when you get to head off next.......

PS: Big Mal always has the solar charging the batteries if yours is inside then its always ideal just to plug it in to 240 so the batteries get a trickle charge all the time, modern chargers will keep them in good nick far better than just plugging in the charger a week before you depart, your battery should last longer as well.
Great list @Drover, I've done most already, getting some new wheel bearing oil seals and doing a repack this week.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Great advice @Drover, and good timing for many peeps.

even if you get a Van Dude in to do stuff check your wheel nuts afterwards
Leading up to Xmas 2018 I was flat out and couldnt drop the real tools to fault find my recent van brakes electrical issues, so got a mobile guy in to do it. As expected it was the magnets, and unexpectedly there were 2 buggered. I trust no-one, and it makes me very uncomfortable relying on anyone I don't have proven faith in, but sometimes time constraints and dropping good money to save small money isnt an option. Checking his work a few days later, I found he hadn't tightened the bearings properly on one wheel. It was loose enough to get flogged out on our upcoming 5000km jaunt

My added advice is, never completely trust anyone working for you, and always check their work even if you have no idea what you are doing. Even the most gumby office plonk can still pick up things, and the InterGoolgeWeb and Youtube will adequately learn you up quick smart.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Boat dream time, I have just rediscovered some scratchy drawings I did for a centre console on my boat which were followed by some proper drawings, as I was thinking of knocking one up from marine ply but saw a nice alloy job which would save a lot of hassle but it ended all up on the backburner as other things demanded my small amount of cash, then adding up the cost of the console, control unit and steerage gear I canned the whole idea but after a few runs in the boat last week the idea is forcing its way to the top , some idiot ditched his very neat drawings of the design so will be starting from scratch, by the time I finish my amazing wood work it should be time for the next Stimulus bonus for us old pensioners and I can buy the steering and control units, well thats the plan this week...... better get up to our local Mitre 10 (2kms as Bunnings is 60km) pretty quick before The Plank shuts everything down..........


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Boat dream time, I have just rediscovered some scratchy drawings I did for a centre console on my boat which were followed by some proper drawings, as I was thinking of knocking one up from marine ply but saw a nice alloy job which would save a lot of hassle but it ended all up on the backburner as other things demanded my small amount of cash, then adding up the cost of the console, control unit and steerage gear I canned the whole idea but after a few runs in the boat last week the idea is forcing its way to the top , some idiot ditched his very neat drawings of the design so will be starting from scratch, by the time I finish my amazing wood work it should be time for the next Stimulus bonus for us old pensioners and I can buy the steering and control units, well thats the plan this week...... better get up to our local Mitre 10 (2kms as Bunnings is 60km) pretty quick before The Plank shuts everything down..........
My BiL made a very neat (and factory looking) fibreglass console with lightweight honeycomb sheets as the substrate.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
That sounds nice, I'm hoping I can make a nice job out of some marine ply, take my time to finish it well, glued and screwed, with each panel fully painted or varnished before putting together then finished off with another couple of coats, proper varnish (not the plastic stuff which I can't spell) all mounted to the front thwart .............. I should have just enough tools to do a nice job of it, not being able to use my grinder or welder will create a huge challenge to a nicely finished job, but I have putty.....


Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
Some of our handout went today on a couple of tin above ground garden beds, soil and vegie plants. Tomorrow’s job is to assemble and site them, Thursday is soil delivery and filling and maybe planting. That will test the back


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
I have our next batch of seedlings near ready to feed the birds and bugs...


Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
Been trying to remove a couple of stumps to allow for some dwarf citrus but sun is too damn hot today.
F49F3A94-A3A1-4EAD-B49D-1F75939FB069.jpeg 5DAFDB33-D381-4150-B326-297846346963.jpeg
So today, just sitting on the deck drinking coffee and watching flies die in my home made trap.

917AF763-58B5-4D3F-92EA-574BA9F6B2DE.jpeg 6FE7B553-A92F-48DC-AFEB-A1B228C9FEC7.jpeg
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Hey Paul where did that protudence come from ????? Added a notch or 2 to the belt since we last met...lol,lol,lol........ Wheres that pick of you parking on your front lawn ?? I can't find it.


Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
That protrudence has been years in the making but I have lost 4 Kg so far this year. :boink:
The pictures you seek are here. I can smile about it now as it was more than 5 years ago.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Argh yes, seems like yesterday and I think about it every time I get near a grassy slope............................... I know where you lost that 4kg because I found it.....
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
A southern mate wrote to me about a train ride in Victoria that I had forgotten about The Victorian Goldfields Railway http://www.vgr.com.au/homepage.php only a short drive from a spot I like to stop at being Boort so I have planned a diversion to my Canberra run later this year and since if I get that far a visit to Nhill to check out the Avro Anson restoration would certainly be on the cards, been watching it come together for many years from when it was bits in boxes basically........ Place should be empty as the natives will be all up my way I reckon............ a visit to Wentworth and maybe even Mennindee should see me away for about 5 mths I reckon............:chuncky:



Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
A southern mate wrote to me about a train ride in Victoria that I had forgotten about The Victorian Goldfields Railway http://www.vgr.com.au/homepage.php only a short drive from a spot I like to stop at being Boort so I have planned a diversion to my Canberra run later this year and since if I get that far a visit to Nhill to check out the Avro Anson restoration would certainly be on the cards, been watching it come together for many years from when it was bits in boxes basically........ Place should be empty as the natives will be all up my way I reckon............ a visit to Wentworth and maybe even Mennindee should see me away for about 5 mths I reckon............:chuncky:


That will take you deep into enemy territory
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