Good Morning , Good Afternoon , Good Evening


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
I think you'll find, that per passenger, a plane produces less C02 than a car. So if you have a Boeing 737 flying from Melbourne to Sydney, with say 220 passengers on board, and you have the equivalent number of cars doing the same trip, the cars as a collective will produce more pollution than the plane. Even if some car pooled, it would still produce more than the plane.
But "limp mode", now there's a completely different outcome on that same trip to Sydney ;)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
well, after being cooped up since March, we tentatively went camping this week, leaving Tuesday morning and getting home this afternoon.

Went up to Vaughan Springs. On the busiest night, there where four well-behaved groups. The great news is that the Loddon River was flowing again. It was so bad to see it so dry and not flowing before Christmas.

The weather was good for a Central Victorian winter. Rain on the first night. 0.2C on the second night, but nice sunny 15C days with no wind.
Thank goodness for good doonas, thermal underwear, warm socks and beanies during the cold night.

After so long away, we were sure we would stuff something up or forget a major item, but not a single issue.

Chippy looked a bit sad when it was unpacked, but soon brightened up when it got lit up. 3 1/2 years and still going strong. Not bad for $10.

Really pleased to be out camping again. Next trip will probably be along ninety mile beach in a couple of weeks.

take care
camping is addictive!
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Hey @Boots in Action took a run to Poona and Tinenbah today, van park at Poona is packed but at both the water was nice being a sunny day...

20200625_143807_Burst01.jpg Poona.

20200625_152239.jpg Tinnenbah.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
If its cold and miserable at home, it always seems nicer when camping............................... sometimes !!!
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Active Member
Oct 7, 2019
I find it funny but frustrating that every premier, on their power trip, treats all 6.5million citizens of Victoria as though we've all got the virus. 0.00029% of the Victorian population has either had or has the virus currently.
Its pretty annoying really. Especially when they all sound as though they're trying go eradicate the virus. That is not and never has been the plan
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
I'm slowly going back to ignoring the News stance, over the political posturing, they are all wankers in my books............... The boat is ready to hook up, just waiting on passengers to decide the temp is at friendly degree for them to venture forth............sunny day, no wind, incoming tide and of course bugger all fish....water temp should be above 20 deg..............

So don't ask for fish pics for rest assured if I catch a whopper all and sundry will know.................otherwise I'm just going for a boat drive...........
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Yesterday, lovely day, no wind no clouds and the bay stayed flat as a tack all day, went boating with the mob that should be at work, car park at the TCB ramp was chockers and they weren't locals thats for had one passenger, the G/daughters boyfriend who had never caught a fish before, I told him not to expect that to change :D so we drift along the Teebah channel and after showing how to cast and try for Flatties he pulls in a nice flattie, so I'm now a legend ( already was anyway ;)) I even joined in with a couple, so we got a few Flatties and some Whiting, took him up to Fraser and another bank were I showed him the Art of catching huge Toads, culled a few before racing for home............. no pics couldn't be stuffed............ but saw the usual Dolphins, Turtles and a couple of Dugongs, the bay put on a great show for us....


Active Member
Oct 7, 2019
LOL LOL I guess I should be offended by his remarks and not be endorsing them.

Too many people not taking this apocolypse seriously enough. Hope the vaccine comes soon
We're not meant to be waiting for a vaccine. We're not trying to eradicate this virus, we're simply trying to manage its numbers. But it seems some state leaders think we're trying to eradicate it, or Atleast that's how they convey their messages


Active Member
Oct 7, 2019
Yesterday, lovely day, no wind no clouds and the bay stayed flat as a tack all day, went boating with the mob that should be at work, car park at the TCB ramp was chockers and they weren't locals thats for had one passenger, the G/daughters boyfriend who had never caught a fish before, I told himenot to expect that to change :D so we drift along the Teebah channel and after showing how to cast and try fro Flatties he pulls in a nice flattie, so I'm now a legend ( already was anyway ;)) I even joined in with a couple, took him up to Fraser and another bank were I showed him the Art of catching huge Toads, culled a few before racing for home............. no pics couldn't be stuffed............ but saw the usual Dolphins, Turtles and a couple of Dugongs, the bay put on a great show for us....
Haha they did say on skynews that if you look at the NSW/QLD border, there are cars just streaming back and forth with the cops not really checking anything. So borders are shut but they're not?


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Very few NSW or VIC plates around here, just the odd one who have been holed up since the start.......................... Big Mal is once again plugged into the mains, fridge is cold and the Jeeperific now has a small roof tray to carry the beach rods and a jerry can and the odd camp chair, all under the 75kg limit so the roof don't cave in ........not getting excited in case it all gets canned again...........:car::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:
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Boots in Action

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Ferny Grove, Queensland
Haha they did say on skynews that if you look at the NSW/QLD border, there are cars just streaming back and forth with the cops not really checking anything. So borders are shut but they're not?

Not quite @Brente1982 . The "streaming back and forth " refers to workers form both sides of the border commuting to and from work if you have a Pass. All others are required to abide by the rules... have you come from a "hot spot" or are you going to self quarantine for 14 days? I like the latest Northern Territory plan - borders open to all except if you are from a known "hot spot" in Melbourne. If you are found to have made a false statement about your movements (and be confirmed as a carrier), then 3 years in the "slammer" would be a fair penalty.
IMHO, who is going to run the greatest risk - Anna keeping the borders shut and strangling businesses, or our state opposition leader jumping up and down on behalf of businesses saying the borders should be open to all. No risk when you are not in government. And if borders are opened early and the accommodation owners on the Gold and Sunshine Coasts accept clients in accommodation, and one person is confirmed with the virus in a block of 100 or so units, are the unit owners prepared to isolate all their holidaying tenants AND PAY TO KEEP THEM IN ISOLATION FOR 14 DAYS? How many would be prepared to take that risk??? Not many!!!
I feel their pain because there are a lot of southern folk just itching to get into warm, sunny and covid free Queensland and spend their money to help the economy. For rugby league followers, I note that the Melbourne Storm are re-locating to Queensland (Sunshine Coast) to play footy and not contract corona. Apologies to those other football followers of Australian Rules where the players have to train, play and stay in Victoria.
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Active Member
Oct 7, 2019
That's rubbish. Premiers acting like they don't want any more cases and that they're trying to eradicate the virus. That is not the plan.
This video footage on the news showed no cars at all being checked, so they were free flowing each way across the border, Workers or not.
I noted last weekend the QLD health website listed pretty much every council area in Melbourne and Greater Geelong as being a 'hot spot'. What blatant fear mongering. It's these pathetic organisations acting like every Melbourne citizen has it is what is the problem.
Let's get some realistic perspective here. 0.00029% of the Victorian population have or have had the virus yet we're all willing to ruin the country because of the ego's of some state Premiers.