Good Morning , Good Afternoon , Good Evening


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
I also bought oil to service my Yamaha 40HP boat propulsion unit and get home and find I got the wrong gear oil a GL5 instead of GL4, (silly old blind fool) talk about annoyed at least I got the right stuff from Dans ...................... now I will have to go for a fast ride in my Jeep tomorrow, always a big pleasure, never a chore..........

Disco Duck

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2017
Adelaide South Australia
It's hard to believe that anyone would doubt your credibility as a fisherman, Drover and we really do trust you.

The gear oil is only one number out.............put in a little less. She'll be right !! :clap2:
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
The gear oil is only one number out...

Sadly that one number could cause some nasty, expensive problems in the gear box,very scary, can actually eat brass bushes and other soft metal

your credibility as a fisherman,

My Fishing feats are a thing of legend around here and possibly some humour......... but since my neighbour has a trawler no need for me to catch any, I hate the cleaning
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Disco Duck

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2017
Adelaide South Australia
Sadly that one number could cause some nasty, expensive problems in the gear box,very scary, can actually eat brass bushes and other soft metal

Yep.................missed it by THAT much !! How many engines and gearboxes have been stuffed by using the wrong oil.

My Fishing feats are a thing of legend around here and possibly some humour......... but since my neighbour has a trawler no need for me to catch any, I hate the cleaning

It has taken me a while to reply as I have been trying to find the definition of 'Legend". But you must be right Drover, reading back over some of the older posts have definitely confirmed your 'legendary' abilities. Stay sweet with the neighbour, I say !!
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Not only you lot that make comment on my fishing, my kids, my old Birdie mate, my neighbours and some of the blokes I shoot with, the civvies are rather subdued but the exMilitary as usual fairly cut loose but I do startle them at times with a catch.....................:):):):):biggrin-new::biggrin-new:
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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2014
Sad times ahead @Bluey. Victoria has to sit back and watch the rest of the country move on.
Maybe so but its not over for anyone in any country anywhere as seen here can erupt at any time just seen on world news an evan more infectious strain in some parts of the world in the poorer countrys

Boots in Action

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Ferny Grove, Queensland
I think its more like 10 thousand have refused testing and in hotel iso a good few hundread yep our main man has realy dropped the ball on this i thought at the start things and the country where handleing it well apart from schools in schools out pm says in premiers say out but with no help from the forces like the other states we where doomed from the start relying on security mobs ripping off the system working several shifts at diffrent hotels one bloke infected 20 or more of his family no discipline like the forces have ....... then the march in the city cause we all needed that then the end of ramadon and our fate was compleat the perfict storm now the rampaging starts 109 cases today and several high rise buildings of welfare houseing now closed for a week no one in or out with 500 police guarding locking them all in good luck with that trying to keep the hoodlums in that roam the streets in packs big trouble for police looming ...... i feel bad times ahead for vic with so many people who dont care or speak the lingo we've made our bed now we can all snuggle in and lie in it shareing a hanky .... every man or women for themselves good luck to us all hope they get it under control but ive lost all faith in them to do so ......wont be long till its statewide lockdown again so many businesses could go under sad and hard times ahead

Well said there @Bluey , unfortunate but true. So far, whether we like it or not with the border checks and restrictions, the powers on our Qld/NSW border have not let anyone in to spread the virus around the high rise holiday apartments on the Gold Coast or Sunshine Coast. Not picked up yet anyway!!! I know it killed businesses keeping the borders closed for so long to Southern travellers, but a break out in one of the multi level buildings would have the same result as you have in Victoria. God help Queenslanders if that happened. But we still have idiots defying the rules with marches and protests and crowding together, so who knows what may happen! I am sure all members on this forum are thinking of others in Victoria during this time. Stay safe and be careful.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
I think it may be coming up here since many down there have fled since they gave warning of the lockdown............. and will lie if asked for honesty, just so many stupid people around, where they come from doesn't matter they would be stupid where ever they lived....
To refuse testing is a crime , fine them, lock them up and zap em with a Taser for good measure........ just like anti-vaxers, moronic attitude.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
Hope to make a run over the Qld border in a couple of weeks.Still can not find my Qld passport from years ago ,issued by Joe an Russ many years ago_Only trouble is we might get over and not back.Bit like Eagles song Hotel California ! Lot of p——d off Vic van owners in Yamba at the moment. Just about every park up to the Qld border is full,an army that should have been on the move! Hundred of Vics flown into Byron Bay via Ballina ,many shops have notices they will not serve Vics.This is not over by a country mile.Only need a few hundred half baked idiots who believe its not a problem or its all a conspiracy theory as in Vic ,away it goes again.I wouldnt want to be a state premier ,Prime Minister in a fit with this running amok.Too much pussyfooting around,fine the idiots no ifs or buts,bring in the army at quaratine points ,they have the structure etc to deal with it.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
I think it may be coming up here since many down there have fled since they gave warning of the lockdown............. and will lie if asked for honesty, just so many stupid people around,
Youve hit the nail on the head there, the Mexicans that arrive at the border have defied most of the advise so telling the truth at the border will include some self serving fantasy im sure. I hate to say it, but locking out all the Mexicans would be the safest thing because its mostly the defiant turds youll be getting


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
One afternoon Dan announced that the ADF were coming to take over security at the quarantine hotels.
Next morning that was cancelled and instead some corrections officers were sent to monitor the existing security guards.
Note that the security contract was given out without any tender or external oversight.
Rumour is that overnight, Dan got his instructions from the power people he answers to. So the same security guards are still at the quarantine hotels.
Probably the same power people that throttled attempts by the Chief Health Officer to respond correctly to the outbreak at Cedar Meats. This is the only outbreak that he refused to name. It was eventually releasd by the media.

We have headed straight back into our full lock down. No visits, no visitors, daily walks and only visits to the doctor, chemist, and once a fortnight to buy food.

In my opinion, this outbreak in Victoria will be much much more serious than the original one. Especially so, the longer they fart around trying to ringfence each postcode AFTER the infection rate has gone up. Sort of like managing a fire only after it has jumped across containment lines.

Perhaps I am over reacting. But we are both over 65. Both take hypertension tablets. People taking these tablets have a higher risk of a serious life-threatening reaction if they catch the virus.

For those who like statistics. The chances of dying from the virus is higher than winning the Lotto with one entry!
104 Australians have died out of 25 million. 4 chances per million over all Australians. Much better odds of dying if you are over 65.
Much much better odds if you also have another medical condition.
Even better odds again if you happen to be living in Victoria at the moment.

So the moral of the story is that if you presently live in Victoria, are over 65, take hypertension medication, and go to the newsagent to by a single Lotto ticket, you are more likely to catch the virus on that trip and die from it than winning first prize!

take care
there are dangerous politicians in power


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
One afternoon Dan announced that the ADF were coming to take over security at the quarantine hotels.
Next morning that was cancelled and instead some corrections officers were sent to monitor the existing security guards.
Note that the security contract was given out without any tender or external oversight.
Rumour is that overnight, Dan got his instructions from the power people he answers to. So the same security guards are still at the quarantine hotels.
Probably the same power people that throttled attempts by the Chief Health Officer to respond correctly to the outbreak at Cedar Meats. This is the only outbreak that he refused to name. It was eventually releasd by the media.

We have headed straight back into our full lock down. No visits, no visitors, daily walks and only visits to the doctor, chemist, and once a fortnight to buy food.

In my opinion, this outbreak in Victoria will be much much more serious than the original one. Especially so, the longer they fart around trying to ringfence each postcode AFTER the infection rate has gone up. Sort of like managing a fire only after it has jumped across containment lines.

Perhaps I am over reacting. But we are both over 65. Both take hypertension tablets. People taking these tablets have a higher risk of a serious life-threatening reaction if they catch the virus.

For those who like statistics. The chances of dying from the virus is higher than winning the Lotto with one entry!
104 Australians have died out of 25 million. 4 chances per million over all Australians. Much better odds of dying if you are over 65.
Much much better odds if you also have another medical condition.
Even better odds again if you happen to be living in Victoria at the moment.

So the moral of the story is that if you presently live in Victoria, are over 65, take hypertension medication, and go to the newsagent to by a single Lotto ticket, you are more likely to catch the virus on that trip and die from it than winning first prize!

take care
there are dangerous politicians in power
The military cannot function in the suburbs as a defacto policing authority, what a absolutely moronic suggestion by these bureaucratic flogs. The roll of the military could not be any further removed. The deployment and logistics is pure insanity. Its no surprise that idea was scuttled, leaving the media circus to equally as stupidly chow down on the fallout. Someone got either the request, or the offer castastrophically balls up, but the horrifying thing was they didnt know it was wrong


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Well even once the gates open to allow NSW, Tas, SA, WA and ACT folk in, (10JUL20 -subject to ammendment) as it stands ATM Queen Anna is not letting Comrade Danlanders in no matter how long theyv'e been roaming around....................... I wonder if those that have been hiding up here for months will get the flick ????

Miltary is only there to assit the coppers like the SES does up here.

In fact if QLDers venture into Victoria they can't come back..........scary stuff....


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Well even once the gates open to allow NSW, Tas, SA, WA and ACT folk in, (10JUL20 -subject to ammendment) as it stands ATM Queen Anna is not letting Comrade Danlanders in no matter how long theyv'e been roaming around....................... I wonder if those that have been hiding up here for months will get the flick ????

Miltary is only there to assit the coppers like the SES does up here.

In fact if QLDers venture into Victoria they can't come back..........scary stuff....
The way that release reads seems to target Victoria rather than Victorians. Not that im looking for a loop hole (for once)


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
The way that release reads seems to target Victoria rather than Victorians.

Been following these proclamations for the whole crisis and grammar is not a strong point with them..........but the Road Map does get subtle changes overnight sometimes but they leave out the fine print that comes later..............its the actual legislation summary that gets confusing when it gets promulgated.....


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Been following these proclamations for the whole crisis and grammar is not a strong point with them..........but the Road Map does get subtle changes overnight sometimes but they leave out the fine print that comes later..............its the actual legislation summary that gets confusing when it gets promulgated.....
Seems to refer "anyone" being stupid enough to be doing various things in Victoria, rather than the being theVictorians per se.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
From what I have read the NSW Police force and the ADF jointly manage security at their quarantine hotels. This alleviates the problems of just utilising the ADF.

It seems to me that there is absolutely no heirarchical command and control structure within the Health Departments to control the logistics required to cope with a major crisis. NSW Health completely stuffed up with the Ruby Princess. But the NSW Premier is a very fast learner. After the initial fiasco, control of that situation was handed over to the NSW Police.

Premier Dan handled the bushfire crisis because he communicated well about what was going on and helped clear away obstacles. I admired the way he handled that crisis. But, don't forget, he had a vast amount of well-trained resources on the ground that have been through many bushfires and know what to do. SES, CFA, Police, ADF, BlazeAid, FareShare, and resources in each community.
SES, CFA, Police, and the ADF all have established command and control structures geared to responding to a major crisis. Another plus is that most utilise a vast army of volunteers or reserves.

The ADF in Victoria, during the bushfires, did a great job doing a lot of things not able to be done by Victorian or other organisations. Hospital ship, large heavy lift helicopters and aircraft, mobile field hospitals, surface transport. They also have superb communication networks that work outside the public ones that now rely on having 240V available.

ADF, Police, SES, and CFA also train to handle novel situations. Fire, War, Pandemics, etc very seldom act from a known playbook.

The crisis response by the Victorian Health department seems intent on doing everything with paid subcontractors. Many of whom are only doing the job for the money with no skin in the game.

Premier Dan has not been able to muster resources effectively to control these outbreaks.
It is clear that the curve in Victoria looked like flattening in April similar to all the other States, but it has not been under control ever since the Cedar Meats outbreak.

Tasmania had a jump with the NW Tasmania outbreak that was effectively brought under control and there has been no further outbreaks.
This outbreak was caused by two passengers from the Ruby Princess. IMHO, it was made worse by complacency within a sleepy country hospital.
However, after the poo hit the fan, the response was remarkable. Ring Fence the entire area, shift hospital staff out and replace them, remove all patients from the hospitals.

All other States have flattened the curve, and, so far, have stepped up remarkably well responding to the unknown challenges in dealing with this crisis.
And they didn't have to become a Police State to do it. Early on, there was a magnificent interview with the WA Police Chief outlining his philosophy in policing the restrictions. Fines were way down in his list of actions to encourage people to comply. In compete contrast to the attitude of the Victorian Government.

Dan, the Health Minister, Chief Health Officer, and his Deputy often contradict one another. Imagine what chaos is going on behind the scenes. The quarantine hotel outbreak is a MAJOR crisis but after a month since the first stories came out about security arrangements at the hotel Dan can still not name the department responsible for organising the security.
The Chief Health Officer has complete oversight of the response. After a month and in the middle of the realisation of major issues at the quarantine hotels, he says not my remit, nothing to do with me!

take care
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
The Political animal needs the media to see what a great job they are doing, the smart ones issue a command to start then stand in front of the camera and talk rubbish while the real action is taking place by the people who actually know what to do thats why when the politician sticks their beak in things like floods, bushfire control turn to crap.......................... In years past the Military was rarely asked to join because they will run their own show, the local mob want to run the whole thing and not to be seen wanting, when the military got called in you knew things were either very bad or the locals weren't on an ego trip and could see what was going to happen, things then ran very well with great results.................

If the politician steps back out of the way things always improve......
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Boots in Action

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Ferny Grove, Queensland
From what I have read the NSW Police force and the ADF jointly manage security at their quarantine hotels. This alleviates the problems of just utilising the ADF.

It seems to me that there is absolutely no heirarchical command and control structure within the Health Departments to control the logistics required to cope with a major crisis. NSW Health completely stuffed up with the Ruby Princess. But the NSW Premier is a very fast learner. After the initial fiasco, control of that situation was handed over to the NSW Police.

Premier Dan handled the bushfire crisis because he communicated well about what was going on and helped clear away obstacles. I admired the way he handled that crisis. But, don't forget, he had a vast amount of well-trained resources on the ground that have been through many bushfires and know what to do. SES, CFA, Police, ADF, BlazeAid, FareShare, and resources in each community.
SES, CFA, Police, and the ADF all have established command and control structures geared to responding to a major crisis. Another plus is that most utilise a vast army of volunteers or reserves.

The ADF in Victoria, during the bushfires, did a great job doing a lot of things not able to be done by Victorian or other organisations. Hospital ship, large heavy lift helicopters and aircraft, mobile field hospitals, surface transport. They also have superb communication networks that work outside the public ones that now rely on having 240V available.

ADF, Police, SES, and CFA also train to handle novel situations. Fire, War, Pandemics, etc very seldom act from a known playbook.

The crisis response by the Victorian Health department seems intent on doing everything with paid subcontractors. Many of whom are only doing the job for the money with no skin in the game.

Premier Dan has not been able to muster resources effectively to control these outbreaks.
It is clear that the curve in Victoria looked like flattening in April similar to all the other States, but it has not been under control ever since the Cedar Meats outbreak.

Tasmania had a jump with the NW Tasmania outbreak that was effectively brought under control and there has been no further outbreaks.
This outbreak was caused by two passengers from the Ruby Princess. IMHO, it was made worse by complacency within a sleepy country hospital.
However, after the poo hit the fan, the response was remarkable. Ring Fence the entire area, shift hospital staff out and replace them, remove all patients from the hospitals.

All other States have flattened the curve, and, so far, have stepped up remarkably well responding to the unknown challenges in dealing with this crisis.
And they didn't have to become a Police State to do it. Early on, there was a magnificent interview with the WA Police Chief outlining his philosophy in policing the restrictions. Fines were way down in his list of actions to encourage people to comply. In compete contrast to the attitude of the Victorian Government.

Dan, the Health Minister, Chief Health Officer, and his Deputy often contradict one another. Imagine what chaos is going on behind the scenes. The quarantine hotel outbreak is a MAJOR crisis but after a month since the first stories came out about security arrangements at the hotel Dan can still not name the department responsible for organising the security.
The Chief Health Officer has complete oversight of the response. After a month and in the middle of the realisation of major issues at the quarantine hotels, he says not my remit, nothing to do with me!

take care

Thanks Mike @mikerezny for a very unbiased and unembellished report on the real situation. And @Drover has good input too, as one would expect from a person with military (or should I say Naval disciplined) experience. The genie (corona virus) is now "out of the bottle" and has to be dealt with as in a fire or war.
Politics now has no place in what are necessary actions to control this outbreak. Information on how this is being achieved must get out to the populace, so they understand what is happening and why it is necessary - propaganda if you like. Too many crap stories on social media are going around regarding conspiracy theories, chips up noses on tests so the CIA can control you etc.and the anti vaccinators and anti-testers are in full cry. Ignorance is NOT bliss and when people do not comprehend the real issues, they rebel. Civilisation is but a thin veneer over the animal instinct of mobs. Let's get on with the task for the good of everyone and not just think of ourselves. Unfortunately in every battle/war, there will be collateral damage, so make sure you are not one of the casualties!!