Good Morning , Good Afternoon , Good Evening


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
If you look at some real facts and figures not just the hysterical ones, Influenza is scarier and is more contagious, kills more people over given time but isn't as newsworthy, of course if this virus isn't contained it could be like the Spanish Flu back in 1918, any sort of Flu Virus floating around is wash hands and stay away from gatherings, if I was still a Coach Driver I would change jobs, was nothing worse in flu season with these ignorant people travelling by Coach, coughing and hacking over everyone, I would dump a half a can of Glenn 20 into the AC at each meal break and become a cleanliness freak............Thankfully I'm reasonably anti-social so naturally stay away from people, the only gatherings I go to we are all nice, polite and keep our distance as we are armed......

@Bluey, out west toilet paper is a luxury wasted down a hole, newspaper just the shot after you scrunch it up for softness, recycled as it was meant to be...... Bottle of water and don't shake hands, certainly not my style ................. Leaves in the bush is not an option, done the survival thing and that ones is just BS, same as dragging in the sand like a Woofer...... Running out of any paper make sure you eat just Ration Packs, won't need to go for at least a week, even more if you eat the Cereal Blocks..................

Thing is up around here with a bushfire or flood/cyclone we can be isolated for a week or so, no power so should have at least a weeks supplies to sustain, Supermarkets only have 3 days at most stock.................. Beer fridge is full now so good for 2 weeks, 3 at a stretch........


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
I wasnt around in 1918 @Drover im glad you survived it to tell the tale to us new age toliet paper needing sooks but yes i agree is this new thing like a shark attack huge news while thousands pass from other things we can do things about like our health and what we eat i just had 6 bits of caramellow chocklet mmmmm and a hamburger tonight with the lot with a patato cake in it as well mmmm well off to Warrnambool tomoz booked in for the sound and light show at the maritime museum sunday night will go to supermarkets there surching for toliet paper
Oh spoke to bloke from Bigw who greets you at the front they timed it 2 pallets of t -paper came today they didnt know it was comming put it at front of shop gone in 5 mins 2 pallets have a good weekend everyone
The local Costco had 48 pallets of poo paper delivered overnight, and it was all gone within 35min. Following it took 20min
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Boots in Action

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Ferny Grove, Queensland
If you look at some real facts and figures not just the hysterical ones, Influenza is scarier and is more contagious, kills more people over given time but isn't as newsworthy, of course if this virus isn't contained it could be like the Spanish Flu back in 1918, any sort of Flu Virus floating around is wash hands and stay away from gatherings, if I was still a Coach Driver I would change jobs, was nothing worse in flu season with these ignorant people travelling by Coach, coughing and hacking over everyone, I would dump a half a can of Glenn 20 into the AC at each meal break and become a cleanliness freak............Thankfully I'm reasonably anti-social so naturally stay away from people, the only gatherings I go to we are all nice, polite and keep our distance as we are armed......

@Bluey, out west toilet paper is a luxury wasted down a hole, newspaper just the shot after you scrunch it up for softness, recycled as it was meant to be...... Bottle of water and don't shake hands, certainly not my style ................. Leaves in the bush is not an option, done the survival thing and that ones is just BS, same as dragging in the sand like a Woofer...... Running out of any paper make sure you eat just Ration Packs, won't need to go for at least a week, even more if you eat the Cereal Blocks..................

Thing is up around here with a bushfire or flood/cyclone we can be isolated for a week or so, no power so should have at least a weeks supplies to sustain, Supermarkets only have 3 days at most stock.................. Beer fridge is full now so good for 2 weeks, 3 at a stretch........

Yes @Drover , nothing like "Rat Paks" to slow down the need to dump excess luggage, and even then only if you had time!! The trouble with modern systems now (instead of the hole in the ground) is that newspaper, hand towels, wipes and ordinary tissues have a great potential to block the systems as they do not break down. The only winners then are the plumbers and drainers called in to clear the pipes. Hence the reason to only use proper toilet paper to avoid blockages.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Yes @Drover , The trouble with modern systems now (instead of the hole in the ground) is that newspaper, hand towels, wipes and ordinary tissues have a great potential to block the systems as they do not break down. The only winners then are the plumbers and drainers called in to clear the pipes. Hence the reason to only use proper toilet paper to avoid blockages.

That is true but if in need, a sheet of the Courier Mail is better than nothing , I think I know what I would prefer as the alternative, well it boggles the mind actually................ though a couple of pages from a quality book would be okay, the Section Leaders note book was very nice paper if i recall, you could supposedly eat it to withhold information to the enemy.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2013
Sunbury VIC.

Boots in Action

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Ferny Grove, Queensland
That is true but if in need, a sheet of the Courier Mail is better than nothing , I think I know what I would prefer as the alternative, well it boggles the mind actually................ though a couple of pages from a quality book would be okay, the Section Leaders note book was very nice paper if i recall, you could supposedly eat it to withhold information to the enemy.

Yes agreed again @Drover. Definitely better than trying to use the sodden toilet paper on the roll that some dumb soldier had forgotten to place in, or cover with a an empty tin container before it rained!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
Brookfield, Vic
Well at Warrnambool not bad funny set up how this park is haveing a Dingos breakfast tomoz a good look around

Stopped at all the little country towns on the way on our dunny paper search no luck all empty shelves havent looked here wont bother i think mite get a 24 pack on ebay for a lazy 500 on special or raid the toilets here to sell cheap 250 cause its ruff as LOL


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2016
South Morang, Victoria
Yeah @Bluey it's the me me me! society now, but I guess this is what you get when you turn a country into a mob of tribes of different ethnicities and beliefs,
no national cohesion or sense of national purpose, god help us if we ever get into conflict.
Not all true but I get where you are coming from. Look how we all got together after the fires.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Not all true but I get where you are coming from. Look how we all got together after the fires.
Are these running supermarket battles and idiotic hoarding what the politicians are referring to when they roll out the old rhetoric about how 'we' have great resolve, compassion and all come together in times of crisis. We are selfish mee'moes and the only reason we 'come together' is to box-on over dunny paper. Bwaaaahaaaaaa.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2013
Viewbank, Victoria
Nothing left at supermarkets.. Everyone has 10 chest freezers.
There was hardly any milk last night.. Said to the guy what are the Cows made in China now.

I slowly stockpiled some extra over the last month, which now seems wise.
Vic Medical officer says 14 days.. um 4 boys we see if it lasts a lock down
Went to see what is still in date in van as we always have stuff there.
We lucky with loo paper just brought a 48 pack before madness.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Well the madness hasn't got here in my rural/coastal village other than Loo paper and fiends still have food and plenty of Moo juice, bottle shop has a good supply and while I thought we rural folk were more switched on than our city cousins it seems we have too many refo's from city life here so the madness will come. Might be as we don't have many recent arrivals to our shores in this neck of the woods...............
Mind if the lurgy gets here I think it will cut thru our population like a demon as the mean age is probably over 65.............

I honestly don't know how you do it @Bluey , lived in Melb for near 12mths once out at Ashwood (1976), driving to Station Pier each day drove me nuts....too many people for this fella....


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
We lucky with loo paper just brought a 48 pack before madness.
After I was introduced to the delightful wonders of the awesome bidet in Taiwan last year ... I bought one upon our return. I just go to the supermarket now because it's closer and cheaper than Village Gold Glass


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
No probs in the van either ... like all commodity and futures markets you just gotta know where, what and when to invest I suppose.

In the world of Poo Paper investment, Im a bit like your Warren Buffet. (note the empty roll holder on the wall)

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Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
Well, I am in the age group now where, if it gets me, I will be put in a corner and left to fend for myself. The plan is to give priority to people under 65 and, if there are sufficient facilities, those up to 80. :Cry::attention:
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Boots in Action

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Ferny Grove, Queensland
Well the madness hasn't got here in my rural/coastal village other than Loo paper and fiends still have food and plenty of Moo juice, bottle shop has a good supply and while I thought we rural folk were more switched on than our city cousins it seems we have too many refo's from city life here so the madness will come. Might be as we don't have many recent arrivals to our shores in this neck of the woods...............
Mind if the lurgy gets here I think it will cut thru our population like a demon as the mean age is probably over 65.............

I honestly don't know how you do it @Bluey , lived in Melb for near 12mths once out at Ashwood (1976), driving to Station Pier each day drove me nuts....too many people for this fella....

I hope the lurgy does not get up there to Poona too. Although booked for a week at Easter at caravan park, still thinking about situation there. A car club rally set for Saturday has already been cancelled, keeping some of the herd away, but the fishing comp is also on at that time. Waiting to see if that gets cancelled too - might leave more fish to be caught . But as you said @Drover, most of the people there are in the vulnerable age and not keen to have a lot of interlopers around who might introduce corona virus.

Boots in Action

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Ferny Grove, Queensland
Well, I am in the age group now where, if it gets me, I will be put in a corner and left to fend for myself. The plan is to give priority to people under 65 and, if there are sufficient facilities, those up to 80. :Cry::attention:

Unfortunately true @chartrock , like most of us. Might be time to hitch up the van loaded with supplies and self isolate in some distant place in the outback. Trouble is getting enough dunny paper to last months in the bush!!