Good Morning , Good Afternoon , Good Evening


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
That’s now wait till your entire spinal column collapses then the next thing we’ll see is @Crusty181 bought a Jeep ( I’ll probably have a Y62 by then due to diesel prices)
I've somehow managed to survive with part of my dignity intact after $hitcanning Toyota's for years only to buying one. Im not sure a second dance with the devil, Jeep style, would do my credibility any favours. Ill just have to fake a smile, and put up with the spinal damage


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Which part of your dignity do you think still exists @Crusty181 just asking for a mate ;)
You can tell Drover sorry, your 'mate', even car'less and hitchhiking, I pretend I'm doing up the shoelace on my thong when a Jeep approaches ... although half never seem to make it that far. boom boom


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Snapper season is only 6 or so weeks away for us Melbourians. The only benefit to crappy overcast weather and ugly brown murky water, before the joys of summer where we head north anyway. Whats the target species, and period for the Northern Gentry @DRW @Drover


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2013
Beautiful Burrum Heads QLD
1st 10/10 for your Jeep reply lol
We’re waiting for the Snapper as well but the water is too warm 18-20 and way too clean for anything at present. The winter whiting are patchy this what the southern migration targets but way too small to bother about, only 2 months and we’ll be catching Barra (trying anyway)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
1st 10/10 for your Jeep reply lol
We’re waiting for the Snapper as well but the water is too warm 18-20 and way too clean for anything at present. The winter whiting are patchy this what the southern migration targets but way too small to bother about, only 2 months and we’ll be catching Barra (trying anyway)
Where do you head for Barra?? I've been to a dozen northern so-called Barra capitals ... one more a little further south can't hurt. Is it consistent, or a bit hit miss around you neck of the woods


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
Drover is that you on the AUSJEEPOFFROAD forum saying you have or will be buying another Grand Cherokee.!! ?


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
today, I finally finished (hopefully) my bearing project. The second wheel did not spin as freely as I would have liked. Most of that was the brakes being a bit tight. The grease in the driver's side had also leaked a bit from the grease cap. Not a good sign. Pulled the hub off and the grease was gooey grey. But fortunately no smell of being burnt. Seemed it was certainly in need of cleaning and repacking. Cleaned everything up and couldn't see anything abnormal. Backed the brakes off and put it all back together. Used my new custom built brake adjustment tool and everything seems ok.

Hooked up and off for a test drive. Brakes were lighter than before, so bumped up the brake controller from 6V to 10V and gave them a good workout down our hill and again quite a few times along the freeway. They bedded in quite a bit and set the controller down to 8V. Back home, the brake drums were hot but not uncomfortable to keep your hands on them.

Jacked each side up and checked that wheels were still spinning freely and no bearing play.

Then got a visit from our friends down the road with an older Penguin. They were preparing for a trip to Cairns next week and popped the roof up to start packing. Got about half way up, big bang, and one corner fell down. So spent an hour or so pulling the bed out to get the panel off so we could look at the winch assembly. Turned out to be a snapped cable. Fortunately they got hold of a mobile caravan service guy who will be there tomorrow afternoon to put a new cable in. So I should be able to get a good tutorial on how to fix them in future.

It's going to be wet, cold, and miserable down in Melbourne from tomorrow for the next week.



Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Always good to be DiY, a bit of leaking from the cap isn't a big problem, it doesn't indicate anything wrong other than maybe too much, the grey and gooey does point to a bit of moisture but again not a biggy as this is what it's partly there for....Youvé done well, I can say run away from replacing the broken cable it can be a horrendous job, the cable bit is okay its the other seized up bits................................... With your wheel set up spin it around if it just turns freely for a couple of rotations, doesn't grumble or feel rough to touch as it spins then bearings are good, of course no lateral movement, when the bearings are done up nice probably 2 spins , adjust brakes so that they don't grab but the wheel may only get one rotation and just come to a slow halt, sudden halt means back off a notch once you drive away and apply a few times they will bed in, a good base line is at 40kph hit the button and if they lock up, then at 90kph they will pull up nicely....always spin wheels in forward direction, front and rear leading shoes grab better going forward than in reverse.

No weather report from here, we have enough of you lot up here already.................
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