Good Morning , Good Afternoon , Good Evening


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Never fear oh Danlanders, nurses from QUEENSLAND are coming down to lend a hand, now that is actually good news as they are on top of their job and I fear nurses in Melbourne will certainly need some extra experienced hands to give them a break, just like the Firies on the line needed in whats seems so long ago but was only months back...............

Stay safe my southern friends, in fact everyone needs to take care as the Fat Lady aint sung the full song yet...................


Active Member
Oct 7, 2019
And we all safe now as there getting sacked airline crews to go into the hotels to help thank god some real experience people at last some real decisions ahhhhh not
Just another fantastic decision by the buffoon running this state of ours. Where is our Governor. Bout time she did something she is paid almost half a million dollars to do, and sack Daniel Andrews.
From unqualified security staff, to stood down airline crews. How ridiculous can it get ‍:censored:
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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
They haven't yet solved the logistics to look after the people in hard lock down. But there is a glimmer of hope. Dan has organised a box of toys to be delivered to every child in the 9 buildings. Give them something else to do while they wait for something to eat.

It included an egg carton, a bunch of seeds, and some instructions on how to grow them.

Great touch since it needs sunlight and the building blocks have no balconies. Even worse is that they need to supply their own soil.
We are governed in Victoria by morons and buffoons.

take care
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Even Bolte looks good compared to Dan the Man, you blokes should have escaped north when you could, our Dear Gladys seems to be thinking of lifting the draw bridges along the Murray so Victoria will be empty pretty quick I think, my mate at Mildura is spewing, my old RAAFie mate at Yarrawonga moved in Jan to up here and he is chuffed big time and thats just because he got his first QLD electricity bill, he reckons he can buy a set of tyres with the savings....................


Active Member
Oct 7, 2019
Hahaha some of us have to work and have some sort of other responsibility down here (ie. Kids) @Drover
Otherwise I wouldn't be living in melbourne still. Mind you I'd still be in Victoria, but out in Gippsland somewhere most likely


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
yes, it is impossible for us Victorians to soar with the rest of the Eagle in Australia when we are governed by turkeys.

The mess caused by Dan at the nine apartment blocks in hard lockdown is being sorted out the way Australians always sort out the messes made by our governments.

Volunteers from all over the place are taking control and organising all the necessities needed. The same as Australians have always done whenever there is a crisis.

Coles have delivered pallet loads of essential items, FareShare and Foodbank have delivered thousands of nutritious meals, Telstra are sorting out WiFi,
community groups are organising translators, the list is endless.

Despite my constant rants about our governments, I have always been and will always be proud to be an Australian!

take care


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
as i've always said and a little embarrassed to admit on a public forum but there has only been two good things to come out of victoria in the last 65 years, me and Fitzroy Football Club
then it will be three if I leave.

Be warned, if I migrate it would probably be to somewhere around Maryborough!

take care
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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
so Chief Turkey Dan has been out trying to stir up as much civil unrest as he possibly can.

He is trying to convince all Victorians that it is those other Victorians that are to blame.

He will succeed because we are all angry and just itching to let loose on someone, anyone, pick the closest target. He doesn't care as long as they don't wake up to the fact that he should be the prime target.

Not a single admission that this is mostly due to his complacency in managing the most important task on his plate: prevent any virus getting into Victoria from international arrivals.

Note that the Victorian government makes extensive use of MSS to supply security staff. They are in quarantine hotels, there are in each of the nine apartment blocks under hard lock down, and they are in hospitals. The staff move around depending on requirements.

Hey @Drover , you can come down here to fish and play golf.

Oh, you can go sleep with your partner if they live in another residence. But otherwise household can not have any visitors.

Oh, you can also go to the hairdresser.

take care
see you all in six weeks
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
and now something other than political or virus........................................... Last year I was given a HP 10" laptop as it was dead, dying, a big pain...... it didn't work, I buggered around with it, deleted stuff, reinstalled windows all that sort of thing, it was just the normal HP slug machine so threw it in the cupboard, with the recent death of my desk top ( I was innocent) and crappy weather I decided to have another go, I got stuck into it , removed all traces of the dreaded HP slug profiles and it now actually works, no freezing or you fall asleep before it loads anything................


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
@mikerezny ..........Just pack up and head for some nice place like Corryong , Hopeton or Lake Boga, sit back and forget about the city,..............I quite like Nhill, just get out of stupid ville
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
We're back in Mexico now, bopping about in East Gippsland. Theres some suggestion the Vic/Nsw border is closed both ways but i cant see that anywhere officially, and kinda blocking it sth makes no sense. Even travelling north the Nsw restriction all seem to revolve around "hot spot", which Nsw has declared entire Melb metro, along with Melb residents. Case in point, we live the Melb metro but my licence and car rego address is at the farm in Gippsland, so i just shake my head. I can do a u turn and head back.

Anyway, they can leave the border un-monitored if our trip home is any indication, theres no-one left to travel nth. We past half the Vic travelling public oozing over the border, so those that wanna be there, are already there
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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
We're back in Mexico now, bopping about in East Gippsland. Theres some suggestion the Vic/Nsw border is closed both ways but i cant see that anywhere officially, and kinda blocking it sth makes no sense. Even travelling north the Nsw restriction all seem to revolve around "hot spot", which Nsw has declared entire Melb metro, along with Melb residents. Case in point, we live the Melb metro but my licence and car rego address is at the farm in Gippsland, so i just shake my head. I can do a u turn and head back.

Anyway, they can leave the border un-monitored if our trip home is any indication, theres no-one left to travel nth. We past half the Vic travelling public oozing over the border, so those that wanna be there, are already there

Hi @Crusty181,
You may need to be very careful. This is what I understand, but I may well be wrong.

They have clearly stated the term "primary residence" If you have more than two residences you cannot travel to the ones that are not your primary residence. Where are you enrolled?

But there is currently an exception for people who live in Melbourne to continue with their holiday. So, it may be that you can stay on holidays which just happens to be your farm. But if you return to Melbourne, you cannot leave Melbourne. Assuming that Melbourne is your primary residence.

Yep, clear as mud, I know.

The other point is that if you do claim the farm to be your primary residence you will not be allowed into Melbourne except for these three exceptions:
  • Study or work - if you cannot work from home
  • Medical care and caregiving
  • Shopping for essentials
I bet there will be thousands of people who will escape Melbourne before midnight tomorrow to start their holidays and not intending to come back until it is all clear.

I was tempted, but we have both decided to retreat behind the ramparts of Fortress Mike.

take care
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
Over 700 Vics turned back at Qld border since Friday! This is why Vic is in lockdown again.No brains, no common sense,no anything.Call it out as it is,people not giving a rats backside re rules,dont pussyfoot around, fine the idiots or lock them up.Yamba yesterday morning a joke.Coffee shops not adhereing to 1 person 4 sq metre rule,distancing etc..This will go on and on until all Australians ,not just Victorians realise that it can happen to them and the rules are there for a reason.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
QLD border doesnt open fully until the 12th, only partial on the 10th....
The Vic/NSW border shut need a permit.
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Well-Known Member
Hi @Crusty181,
You may need to be very careful. This is what I understand, but I may well be wrong.

They have clearly stated the term "primay residence" If you have more than two residences you cannot travel to the ones that are not your primary residence. Where are you enrolled?

But there is currently an exception for people who live in Melbourne to continue with their holiday. So, it may be that you can stay on holidays which just happens to be your farm. But if you return to Melbourne, you cannot leave Melbourne. Assuming that Melbourne is your primary residence.

Yep, clear as mud, I know.


take care

Sounds like the rules for a member of parliament to claim allowances for when they are living away from their primary residence, not that those members would ever root the system.