Good Morning , Good Afternoon , Good Evening


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
Where do you stand with Labradoodles (quality laboratory built) .... he does come to work with me.

Max'imus Decimus Meridius. Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next. That how you should address him, we on the other hand call him Maxie Moo Moo

He too has a low threshold for idiots
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Interesting question. I would probably resort to my second statement: The ones in between those two categories do get my attention based on their individual behaviour.
Noting that the behaviour is very much determined by the pedigree of the owner.

From memory, I have yet to encounter a working dog that I have not liked but I have encountered toy poodles that I have not liked.
Unsure about the name Maxi Moo Moo though. But I do like the name Maximus.

take care

Disco Duck

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2017
Adelaide South Australia
Well 3 days at Bargara CPk .rain ,blowing ,near full park.Should now be called Bargara Kennels !Dogs large small everywhere even in the cabins,many have two dogs on c sites .I have had enough of dogs pooing peeing 10 foot from our awning while we are having breakfast.doing the same in the bbq area ,on water and power outlet boxes ,everywhere ,and to cap it off I am in the loo and a dogs tail appears under the gap ,owner has the dog in the cubicle with him ! Complained to manager he said realises they have dog problem ,has regs etc but if comes down too hard ,would be crucified on social media .I do not dislike dogs ,have owned dogs ,however it looks like this is becoming a big problem for cpks.

Never ceases to amaze me....................Please stay at our caravan park and you can bring your two dogs with you for free, but if you want to bring your child, it'll cost you extra.
Dogs don't even speak English and don't know how to use a camera. Why take them on a holiday? It must be to inflict them on others.
I don't dislike dogs either but I couldn't think of anything worse than having to look after Fido the entire time we are away.
Maxie Moo Moo ?? MAXIE MOO MOO ??? You are starting to shatter my faith, Crusty


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Never ceases to amaze me....................Please stay at our caravan park and you can bring your two dogs with you for free, but if you want to bring your child, it'll cost you extra.
Dogs don't even speak English and don't know how to use a camera. Why take them on a holiday? It must be to inflict them on others.
I don't dislike dogs either but I couldn't think of anything worse than having to look after Fido the entire time we are away.
Maxie Moo Moo ?? MAXIE MOO MOO ??? You are starting to shatter my faith, Crusty
Max was aquired against my expressed wishes ... he just suddenly appeared a few years back. (We're secretly best mate now, but i keep that from the other humans)


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
I am now at a mates place in Biggenden who has a young kelpie cross called Red.Highly intelligent,beaut dog however having to entertain him 24/7. In a cpark would and is hard going. Funny thing ,yesterday before we left Bargara went into town for a coffee,sitting down inside a cafe and a greyhound runs in on its own then owner followed.I said your dog should be on a lead and it shouldnt be inside,did I get a mouth full !So told her that Qld health rules state allowed outside only where there is no roof cover only.Then got told by her boyfriend to politely p——- off.Nice start to the day.! Then yesterday mates neigbours 13 year old daughter found a very young dingo pup in the middle of the road at the Gin Gin turnoff,glad I didnt find it knowing my wifes love of animals it would have sleeping in my bed with us last night!

poor but proud

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2018
during our northern territory trip last year we caught the ferry over to Bathurst Island community for a day trip,we went to the local cafe to buy some lunch ,walked through a large covered seating area with a number of tables,there was a big sign saying no sitting on the tables,fair enough but the local dogs could not read and were standing on the tables,now if you have ever been to any community in the territory you will see the worst cases of mange in the dog population ,if you had the same dogs in that condition you would have the RSPCA dragging you off to court on cruelty charges,


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Hey @Crusty181 then put an order in and I will pick it up at Maryborough, QLD tomorrow as I stop by......................... We can put our order in by Monday and the fella drops it off at our door on Wednesday, not bad since we are 60km away, all for $10, he says he does a roaring trade delivering to the folks down here.............


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Now @BJM and @DRW and a few others will nod heads wisely while others will wish they too had a JEEP............:cheer2:

Read and weep you knockers...................:becky:........................ .......................:clap2:....:couch2:

No prize for seconds or tardy remarks, suck eggs......:behindsofa:......:bounce: :bounce:
You'd be pretty stoked if you'd made the judgment call that a Merc or Volvo purchase was a good idea. Do either of them even made a model that isnt on that list

Just to be clear the LC70 recall was just to look at them one more time, cause they're awesome.


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
Brookfield, Vic


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
Well yesterday just drove from Biggenden to JB Dam Jeep didn’t break down once! The number of WKs towing this trip nearly outnumbers the LCs they must be happy as they all wave ! !Mate has 2 year old Hilux just been asked to join class action over dpf , next day gets a letter from Toyo don’t worry we will fix your vehicle free for next five years or great deal on a new one . More interesting numbers sold against problems.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Makes interesting reading JD Powers reviews................................. thankfully, so far, touch wood, coffee capsule machines are my only reliability problemo, vehicles have always been pretty good, last time I had to bang on a dealers desk was back in 82, also the last time I took a vehicle to a dealer......

Son In Law just bought new Rangers for his business, after 2 lots of D Max's, Ford gave a better deal but he's had to throw new suspension under them as the OE is too spongy for builders work and towing, his D Max's at least saw out 12mths before he had to replace the Fords about 3 months.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC

Cars Guide. Audi, Holden, Honda, Hyundai, Kia, Mazda, Mercedes, Nissan, Subaru, Suzuki, Toyota and Volkswagen all scored four stars while BMW and Ford got just three stars. That's a surprisingly good result for Holden reliability and suggests it might be moving in the right direction since it stopped building cars locally.

Um, moving in the right direction ???? ..... aside from "away", which direction is that


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Well yesterday just drove from Biggenden to JB Dam Jeep didn’t break down once! The number of WKs towing this trip nearly outnumbers the LCs they must be happy as they all wave ! !Mate has 2 year old Hilux just been asked to join class action over dpf , next day gets a letter from Toyo don’t worry we will fix your vehicle free for next five years or great deal on a new one . More interesting numbers sold against problems.

Cars Guide. Down in the cellar of reliability are Australian brands - which effectively are now American brands, which occasionally import some European-built cars - and… American brands, like Jeep, which has a truly woeful reliability record.

Those people out in the back of big waves at the surf beach floating out to sea .... they must be all happy to :bolt:


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
Wouldn’t be a happy Holden Colorado Ute ,Suv owner ,purchase one one day,obsolete the next with little or no trade in value .This survey is a year old at least ,as I said means little unless numbers sold are compared against complaints.