Good Morning , Good Afternoon , Good Evening


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Since QLD is having an election next month and the great unwashed believe everything they read (or look at pictures) on Faceache then start a rumour that Dan the Man is going to run for Premier of QLD, that should send heaps of people running to Melbourne, in fact quite a few QLDers would as well, maybe say Anna and Dan are doing a swap ...
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Disco Duck

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2017
Adelaide South Australia
Since QLD is having an election next month and the great unwashed believe everything they read (or look at pictures) on Faceache then start a rumour that Dan the Man is going to run for Premier of QLD, that should send heaps of people running to Melbourne, in fact quite a few QLDers would as well, maybe say Anna and Dan are doing a swap ...

Not sure who to feel sorry for.......................
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Camping in a Heavy Vehice Rest Area in QLD or in contravention of signage will attract a $266 fine, its being reported in The Courier Mail, supposed to start Friday yet nothing about it on the TMR website................

Why anyone would want to camp at one is beyond me, I hated them when I drove trucks even just for stopping for a coffee................ noisy and grotty.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Camping in a Heavy Vehice Rest Area in QLD or in contravention of signage will attract a $266 fine, its being reported in The Courier Mail, supposed to start Friday yet nothing about it on the TMR website................

Why anyone would want to camp at one is beyond me, I hated them when I drove trucks even just for stopping for a coffee................ noisy and grotty.
Social media lights up like a christmas tree in regards to so-called truck rest areas, yet despite the consistency and misplaced vocal whining it seems to have had precious little effect. Throughout most of Oz, possibly only now changing in Qld as you mention, "truck rest areas" are nothing more than a run of the mill public rest area that trucks can fit, and certainly not an exclusive arrangement. We often use all manner of rest areas including the ones truck can fit into, and in all the traveling we've done and despite the ongoing battleground that social media try to portray is going on on the highways and byways Ive only ever witnessed mostly mutual consideration.

Roadhouse carparks in holiday times can be a massive issue for trucks, but Im guessing that the nongs that plonk their minivans in the middle of a 30mtr B double park out back of the Roadhouse arent the ones who camp overnight on the road


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Well Designated Truck Rest Areas in QLD and WA as far as I can gather its now legislated, park in one and cop a fine.....


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
Now the stupidity. Travel on a toll road with a caravan and it is tolled as a B-Double TRUCK. Park in a designated truck area and you are not classed as a truck.
The only reason any van would park in a truck area is because they are traveling and there is no where else to pull over for a rest.
I am only considering van drivers needing a rest. Rest areas should not be used for camping. i.e. definitely not over 24 hours.
But I am also sure many many truck trailers have been left in parking areas for longer than 24 hours without getting up anyone's nose.

So, the government provides no alternative and once again lets the community fight it out over fewer and fewer resources.
The government expects road houses to provide the extra parking needed by the increasing number of vehicles using the road and needing a break.

If the stupidity virus was eliminated, both truck drivers and caravan owners would get together and force the government to provide a safe, equitable, and workable solution for all types of vehicles. Ain't ever going to happen on this planet.

take care


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
I think really its stupidity of drivers, how many times do we see a car or van parked in a bay thats 40ft long or the Sign says LEFT for caravans/cars/motorhomes (even has pictures) yet the moron with van or camper goes RIGHT where the picture of a truck points, these are the morons that cause these issues, they can only see a few feet in front and nothing to the side and have no bluddy idea...............

Now while truckies are certainly no angels, as one I will certainly stick up for them on this issue, unlike a lot of vanners they will have mapped out their rest breaks based on drive times and availability of areas to pull off a vehicle over 50ft and weighing in at 30 ton or more, they need to break for anything up to 6 or 8 hrs, only to find on these large motorways which have nice wide , multi bayed areas for rest that some nong in his 20ft rig has parked taking up room for a 70ft rig and not at either end of the bay but in the middle... some even set up awning and chairs, totally oblivious to whats around them.

It only takes a few and in all honesty I hope they police it, fine the idiots and do a roadside on the vehicle as well because sure as eggs they shouldn't be on the road.

Okay, rant over and I have only had 1 beer, stupidity on the road is a pet hate of mine.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
Here in the Inverell cpk large signs everywhere ,walking pace ,some must walk damn fast,up to 30 kph.Utter idiots.Spoke to two looked at me as if I was at fault.Two days of rain,now fine head off home to Yamba this morn.Neighbour went in couple of days ago to check everything and said the glass shower screen had exploded !Morework.Woke up last night with an itchy left knacker ,damn tick thought it was home.Been out fossicking.After 27000 ks in the Outback in 3 years we have had very little trouble other than the Camec door flying open last year.So if you have a front opening door replace the three latches every year. Nothing has fallen off internally or broken ,bang for your buck I cannot complain.


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2013
Sunbury VIC.
I always treated ticks without concern till I got one a while back, that caused a really bad reaction, things got so bad The Doctor injected me with some chemical to counter the reaction. The problem went away in a few hours, but ever since then I have treated those damn ticks with respect.
Glad yu are OK.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Ooohhh, I thought leeches there were bad enough but a tick, really bad................. A RAAFie chick on exercise got one in a similar area, she made us ex Navy fellas proud with the language that came from the Medical tent........
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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
I always treated ticks without concern till I got one a while back, that caused a really bad reaction, things got so bad The Doctor injected me with some chemical to counter the reaction. The problem went away in a few hours, but ever since then I have treated those damn ticks with respect.
Glad yu are OK.
I was on a very long 12 week hike in Europe and picked up quite a few ticks, probably over 30. They can cause Lymes disease, but I knew how to get them off and what to look for, in case I caught the disease.
Not long before the end, the last tick did not come out cleanly. You are supposed to get them out without killing them. Check they are still alive when you have them out and then send them to their maker. So I had to dig around to get the head out and afterwards, the inflammation looked like the dreaded red ring.
I got home about a week later and went off to the doctor. He had never heard of Lymes disease (it wasn't common in Australia) but he rang the Australian expert in this topi, a professor of medicine in a university in NSW.
The doctor wanted to know how to diagnose if it was Lymes disease. The professor asked why he thought it might be since it was unlikely to be picked up in Australia. So he told him I had been hiking in Europe and had picked up 30 or so ticks. The professor said "No point in diagnosing it after that many tcks, assume he has it. This is the treatment!" A course of a specific antibiotic.
Went to the chemist, picked up the tablets, took the first dose, an hour or so later, I was glued to the toilet. Next morning, everything that went down came straight back out.
Went back to the chemist, he said he wasn't surprised, as it was a massive dose, so much that he had contacted the doctor to make sure he hadn't put an extra zero on the dose size!
He rang again thinking he could shift me to something that didn't react as much. No luck, it was this or nothing.
Then the chemist said did I mind eating yogurt? He had read read the antibiotic killed all the gut thingies and that yogurt could replace them. Downed a tub of yogurt and it was like magic instant cure.

Unfortunately, Lymes disease is now about in Australia, but almost nobody knows what to look for or how to minimise the chances of being infected.
The trick is you need to have the tiny claw hammer removal tool to carefully screw it out without upsetting it so it releases its venom. Then you have to keep looking for the next two weeks for the tell tale red ring. If you see it, get to the doctor and tell them it might be Lymes disease.

take care
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Be buggered, pulled out heaps of ticks ,me, Mrs D, kids, dogs, mates either small bottle with metho held over them so they let go or tweezers right at the nipper so they didnt inject anything, never, ever squeeze them....Lymes disease, Mrs D says she thought everyone knew that, I didnt but just agreed with her...


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
Be buggered, pulled out heaps of ticks ,me, Mrs D, kids, dogs, mates either small bottle with metho held over them so they let go or tweezers right at the nipper so they didnt inject anything, never, ever squeeze them....Lymes disease, Mrs D says she thought everyone knew that, I didnt but just agreed with her...

Applying rubbing alcohol, petroleum jelly, nail polish remover or a lit match will not help you to remove the tick. It's more likely to cause the tick to regurgitate, spreading potentially infective material into the bite. ...

What not to do
  • Avoid applying methylated spirits, kerosene, petroleum jelly, nail polish, oil or alcohol to the tick. These chemicals are generally ineffective in getting the tick to detach from the skin, and may even cause the tick to burrow deeper into the skin and inject more toxins.
  • Don’t use a lighted match or other hot object to try and kill the tick or detach it. Aside from the risk of burning yourself, this method does not effectively remove ticks.
  • Don’t use blunt-nosed household tweezers to remove a tick as they are more likely to squeeze the body of the tick.
  • Don’t handle a tick with bare hands as infective agents or allergens can enter your body through breaks in your skin or by rubbing your eyes. Wash your hands with soap and water if you have touched or handled a tick.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Applying rubbing alcohol, petroleum jelly, nail polish remover or a lit match will not help you to remove the tick. It's more likely to cause the tick to regurgitate, spreading potentially infective material into the bite. ...

What not to do
  • Avoid applying methylated spirits, kerosene, petroleum jelly, nail polish, oil or alcohol to the tick. These chemicals are generally ineffective in getting the tick to detach from the skin, and may even cause the tick to burrow deeper into the skin and inject more toxins.
  • Don’t use a lighted match or other hot object to try and kill the tick or detach it. Aside from the risk of burning yourself, this method does not effectively remove ticks.
  • Don’t use blunt-nosed household tweezers to remove a tick as they are more likely to squeeze the body of the tick.
  • Don’t handle a tick with bare hands as infective agents or allergens can enter your body through breaks in your skin or by rubbing your eyes. Wash your hands with soap and water if you have touched or handled a tick.
I seen the latest removal option when we were away in nsw earlier in the year, a small bottle of a freeze spray. It was very small and very expensive, and i thought if it was a viable option my butane lighter refill can will get the job done cheap. I had one last year, but their particularly bad joo joo for the pooch


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
Yep, freezing seems to be the latest preferred method of removing them.
My little claw hammers still work ok. But you do need good eyes or a magnifying glass and a steady hand to coax them out.
Had one on my eyelid once.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Amazing how things change, the little bottle/vial of metho held over the tick always seemed to make it back out, not just spraying it, but then that was the 60's method we used as Scouts so ticks may have evolved since then, though we still have the very fine point, skinny tweezers personally prefer not to get any.............Freezing sounds good so long as you don't burn yourself....

Eyelid would be nasty Mike.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
Repco 30%% off all 10 litre oils.they made a mistake with mine took off NRMA discount as well ,very good price.! Got the Castrol Magnatec DX full syn ,first time ages changed from Penrite


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2014
After 27000 ks in the Outback in 3 years we have had very little trouble other than the Camec door flying open last year.So if you have a front opening door replace the three latches every year. Nothing has fallen off internally or broken ,bang for your buck I cannot complain.

travelling in a spaced out convoy on the Oodnadatta Track with 4 other families a few years ago and we were tail end Charlie. We kept coming across tea towels, dish rack and some other bits and pieces. Called up on the UHF and the otherS hadn’t seen these things so they pulled over to find The vehicle in front of us had the front opening door On the van come open, spill some of its contents out of the van, smash the window in the door from the banging around and absolutely fill the van full of dust. At another stop on the same track we could hear someone’s water pump in their soft floor CT going. The switch had been bumped from a container or something rattling around from the corrugaríais, turned the pump on and emptied the water tank into the CT. Had great dust seals on the tailgate with no water showing until the tailgate was opened Then came the flood.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
We learnt years ago turn the 12v off and on certain roads gaffe tape the fridge door, beetroot container launched from fridge God what a mess.