Good Morning , Good Afternoon , Good Evening


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Well I don't care, boats got fuel, $1.21/lt so got some for RoN and hope to head out just on sunrise might get a couple of hours before the wind chases me home, should be nice as most of the tourists have stayed at home in the plague ridden city............ traffic on the main road is very quiet.......
Then again I have to get out of bed...................


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2014
Two of our local suburban shopping centres have a butcher directly outside a Woolworths. During the week one I only visit every 6 months or so was completely out of fresh meat with the exception of 3 potions on American ribs and heaps of cured meats While Woolworths was stripped bare. The other one I walk past 3-4 times a week usually struggles for customers with just the owner working but he had 3 others working with him doing a roaring trade. Woolworths inside had nothing in the way of meat except for 4 tomahawk steaks and some cured stuff.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Gee thats sad, our woollies while the shelves had gaps still had a good stock, except for bacon, pasta and canned beans/spag, our butcher has heaps of meat and its way better..... We have 1 Woollies and an IGA, small IGA at Rainbow 20km away, others are about 60 kms away, 1 butcher...only shortage bum fodder and snotties..


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
The madness tide has turned full circle now. Went to Woollies this arvo and there's heaps of poo paper and no-one was even looking at it. For a second I started wondering if the entire Poo Paper'gate was a dream sequence ... extraordinary. Meat? well that's a different issue, but we're ahead of the curve there. I bought almost $150 worth during the week whilst peeps we're fighting over the poo paper


Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
My van comes home tomorrow after a week resting in a storage yard. I got tired of reworking the cracker dust under it after the torrents of rain we have had causing great gullies through the gravel. So I have had it bit and was told to keep the van off it for 4 to 5 days. Hopefully it will give a better surface for the van to sit.

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First job when it is home is a new anode.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Thats the shot, put a plate under the jockey wheel or stand as it could leave a dibbet.....Hope you 2 are staying away from folk down there in the virus capital of QLD.......
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Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
Too right, home stay except for shops occasionally. Although I am down to work the election next Saturday but I don’t think we will have many people through the door, everyone is either voting early or postal voting. I will have my mask and gloves anyway and make sure they keep their distance. :boink::boxing-25:
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Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
Mrs CR bought an air fryer about 6 weeks ago and the oven has not been turned on since. She has done cake and scones, chips and veggies plus all kinds of meats like sausages, steak, chicken etc. We bought the cheapie Kmart small one for around $69 and have since bought the bigger ones for our kids. Thoroughly recommended.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
So it sounds like victoria going into full shut down all none essential services to close so am i going work tuesday RDO tomoz can we work with skelton crew id say trains will stop im not getting on them anymore anyway but if work is cancelled till after easter and Eldee is still on can i drive to NSW and stay at the cattel station say wensday thursday and ride out the storm there ?????? How can they close all roads to NSW as crusty said ?? ELDEE seems to be still going ahead as not heaps of people go 24 cars last year and huge open spaces for people so dont have to be close evan if its canceled can i still go there to hide and free camp knowing the owners they would be fine with this but can i drive there be an hr drive from broken hill for any supplys if needed if they have any i carnt just stay here all easter my dig tree mission could it be 3 years in a row i dont make it
My tilt @Bluey, is if you leave home and dont stop or interact with other peeps, maintain your personal space at Eldee (particularly the kids) you should be right. Wesrfield is still open and you'll me doing a better job than many others. I watched the PMs attempted national address last night .... omg, we truly are leaderless

Tackle World is having a Covid19 sale with extended trading hours .... this is why we're going to struggle if this thing take hold, no-one really cares


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
I was wondering about some great sales places might have probably all online only though..... BCF, Dan Murphys, Bunnings,Supercheap all essential in my book...


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Well the trip to WA is canned, as all the other places I wanted to go BUT I have found something to do in my shed for this time at home..............
I would like to make this.......
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
small video, hard to tell ... is that a Jeep??

Ha De Ha......................................

Hey @Bluey weve been trying to get to Meninndee Lakes since 1974 still haven't, come close and always wanted to go to Camerons Corner since I was a little tagger, won't happen now due to Mrs D's back sadly, so hurry up before you start to fall apart.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Ha De Ha......................................

Hey @Bluey weve been trying to get to Meninndee Lakes since 1974 still haven't, come close and always wanted to go to Camerons Corner since I was a little tagger, won't happen now due to Mrs D's back sadly, so hurry up before you start to fall apart.
Menindee Lakes and MDB as a whole has certainly been controversial over many years. I think theyve experienced MDB water flows into to the system only very recently. I followed the MDB debarcle ... its quite difficult to believe it really
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Governments have been having trouble controlling the weather since that bloke Lear tried many moons ago, they still don't get that if it rains it will flow and no amount of money selling water that doesn't exist will solve it, water rights to some corporate body is just stupid just like taxing carbon, just makes someone rich and lots of loosers....... When its all in drought dig some dams, use pipes instead of channels/drains, town needs water downstream pipe the stuff, releasing it to flow 100's of kms down a water course is a brilliant way to waste most of it.............. Farms to update their irrigation to systems with low loss.........

Okay had my rant ...............
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Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
Just got a message from my daughter, a senior nurse at a north Brisbane hospital. She had just come home having worked 2 x 12 hour days then 2 x 8 hour days followed by a 12 hour night. Understandably, she did not want to talk as she was falling asleep while texting. She says there is a real sense of fear creeping into the doctors and nurses as most of them have colleagues and friends overseas who are sharing their experience. Worrying times ahead. Stay safe everyone and follow the instructions on isolating and personal spacing.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Well drove to the Post Office to send off something, chose late in day as the pensioner crowd would be gone, so rolled into the butcher's, damn he has some lovely stuff, pity the Pork ribs don't like me anymore but we got plenty of cow and Vegemite & Cheese sausages, truly a great banger...... No shortage of Cow, Pig, Sheepy Baas or Chook here........ Mate said he went early to Woollies for the 0700 pensioner shop, he said the line was miles long which is understandable as 90% of the population here is old farts, we go about 1800 they have flaked out on the couch by then.......................
Stay safe people, might have to plan a big bash by a river or lake when this crap is all over........................