Exterior Ants


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2010
Butler/Perth WA
This product from Bunning worked for us but it's expensive.

Work out what you would spend on cheap ant powders and pesticides that don't really seem to work and that's how we justify the money spent on Amdro.

Amdro(Kills the queen Ant) and in conjunction with talcum powder is what we use now and it hasent failed us yet.

Also when the van is stored at home we use this product around the van/house.


More info here also>>
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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2014
Yep Amdro is the best stuff I have found.
But bloody expensive and it goes off so try and find someone to go you halfs (or I vacpac half of it)
And they never seem to keep the smaller containers anymore only the large $140 one
Probably good to look at the species that Amdro targets before using it.

Amdro Granular Ant Bait is effective against specific destructive ant species, namely Singapore ant, Coastal Brown ant, Tropical Fire ant (Ginger ant), Red Imported Fire ant and Green Headed ant.

It is important to be able to recognise these ants, because Amdro has been designed to be attractive to them. Other species have different food preferences and may not be attracted to the bait. For example, Amdro will not control black house ant.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
Aaaaahhhh. No wonder the black little darlings have decided to revisit us.

We tried all last year with Amdro but with no success and finally had the house sprayed two weeks ago.

Today, they're marching once again.

I hate them.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
Perth. WA
It is important to be able to recognise these ants, because Amdro has been designed to be attractive to them. Other species have different food preferences and may not be attracted to the bait. For example, Amdro will not control black house ant.
AHHHHHH So that's why the little bugga's returned within 24 hours when I tried it >:(>:(>:(>:(>:(
Spent hours yesterday spraying the lawns, gardens, driveway, paving and around the perimeter of the house yesterday with some David Gray's Termite and Ant Spray... See how that goes?


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
honestly, the only 3 I have found that work with any success

Antex granules
Antrid liquid
Antrid baits



antrid baits.jpg


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Thats all I have used @bigcol, used heaps of the sand around the new house as they were very interested in the gaps in the brickwork....... My son is a Bug Killer for 18 yrs now and he says they will come no matter what but says that stuff does the job and the Mortein/Raid surface spray in the spray pack is good for the rest of the bugs...............I have noticed that folks forget to spray behind the wheels, over the drain/water hoses and power lead so the little buggers still have a highway to get inside.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
this is a sort of follow on from this topic of those nasty ants we all hate.

We camped beside an older Jayco pop top on the weekend and they were complaining about ants getting into the van.

Came back from a walk the next day and they told us they had nearly burnt the van down.
They noticed some ants coming out of the fridge vent on the bench inside the van and decided to spray down the vent with insect killer. Seems like the spray hit the hot pipes at the top of the fridge, possibly the flue outlet and it was hot enough to ignite the spray.
This then shot flames out through the Dometic external vent and, being made of plastic, it caught fire and the flames shot up the side of the van.

Fortunately, they got outside the van with the fire extinguisher very quickly and the only damage was the vent completely burnt and the housing that was damaged getting the vent off quickly to spray inside around the fridge.

Not sure that I wouldn't have given the vent a spray myself if I had seen ants coming out. Wouldn't have occurred to me that the spray has such a low ignition point. We learn something new every time we take the van out!

best wishes
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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2014
this is a sort of follow on from this topic of those nasty ants we all hate.

We camped beside an older Jayco pop top on the weekend and they were complaining about ants getting into the van.

Came back from a walk the next day and they told us they had nearly burnt the van down.
They noticed some ants coming out of the fridge vent on the bench inside the van and decided to spray down the vent with insect killer. Seems like the spray hit the hot pipes at the top of the fridge, possibly the flue outlet and it was hot enough to ignite the spray.
This then shot flames out through the Dometic external vent and being made of plastic, it caught fire and the flames shot up the side of the van.

Fortunately, they got outside the van with the fire extinguisher very quickly and the only damage was the vent completely burnt and the housing that was damaged getting the vent off quickly to spray inside around the fridge.

Not sure that I wouldn't have given the vent a spray myself if I had seen ants coming out. Wouldn't have occurred to me that the spray has such a low ignition point. We learn something new every time we take the van out!

best wishes
Pressure pack sprays use LPG as a propellant, so spraying anything near a hot surface or ignition point could have catastrophic results.

This example demonstrates that point well.

Glad they got on top of it


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2016
South Morang, Victoria
We always seem to have a visit of Ants at Anglesea, especially when we are under the trees! have to keep reminding the wife and family not to spray the canvas though!


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
OH, one of those " I had to laugh at such a serious incident stories ", in fact when I pulled up at the Lake last week I did my spray routine and nearly gave the vents a zap, thankfully I realized I was on gas so a big WHOOF would could have been the result even though I'm not using a propellent.......................I would advise the older Jayco owners there fridge would work better if sealed from the inside of van.................

I do think a lot of ants come from above though.......
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
A timely reminder!


I've just flicked about 500 ants off our side walls and spent a useless ten minutes trying to stop the little black darlings attaching themselves. They're climbing up the water pipe so I've tried slinging it a bit higher off the ground.....then gave up.

None inside so far but I'm sure they'll find a way.

Isn't it an indicator of rain ....ants.....if so, they're late....it's been raining here for two days.

Not a pretty sight...standing in the pouring rain trying to hold a water hose off the ground and kill ants at the same time.

:israel: :rain::rain:


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2016
South Morang, Victoria
A timely reminder!


I've just flicked about 500 ants off our side walls and spent a useless ten minutes trying to stop the little black darlings attaching themselves. They're climbing up the water pipe so I've tried slinging it a bit higher off the ground.....then gave up.

None inside so far but I'm sure they'll find a way.

Isn't it an indicator of rain ....ants.....if so, they're late....it's been raining here for two days.

Not a pretty sight...standing in the pouring rain trying to hold a water hose off the ground and kill ants at the same time.

:israel: :rain::rain:

Please send some of the rain our way! We need it. Very dry here!
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Boots in Action

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Ferny Grove, Queensland
On our Penguin, I just discovered a trail of small black ants coming along the concrete driveway, up a block of wood the hitch is resting on, along the A-frame and seemed to be pooling around the corners under the roof.

As far as I can tell, none have got inside the van.

Since I am new to owning a van, is this something quite common and I should be on the lookout for?

Has anyone else had ants trying to hitch a free ride on their van?

Can anyone suggest what I should, and just as importantly, what I should not do to deter the little beggars?

At the moment, I have squashed all the ants I could find and sprayed the wooden block and A-frame with insect repellent (before the can ran out). I am reluctant to spray on the fibreglass or body in case it causes damage to the surface.



Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
I'll start blowing....they've now got flood warnings out for some rivers......and we're camped right on the banks of one of those!

Leaving tomorrow though.....I checked and it's the warning for the upper reaches; we're near the mouth.

I hope you get the rain....I'm now sick of it and I didn't think I'd say that easily.

At least our record of attracting rain is intact and I've worked out my next rainwater saving device. We can't use our previous design on the Thule awning....it doesn't have a fringe so we're going to adapt it.
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Boots in Action

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Ferny Grove, Queensland
Hi there, we too had a problem with lots of ants inside and outside our Jayco Penguin when we stayed at Boyne Island caravan park near Gladstone. They were running up the guy ropes on the awning and made their way inside. They were thick running around the edge of the ceiling and across the ceiling too. We used a product called ANT GEL by Talon, a Selleys product in a small syringe which cost about $7.50. The ants started eating it straight away and I placed it in several places around the inside. For the next two days, dead ants started falling from everywhere. After 3 days, we had no more ants at all!! Very effective and we now carry a spare syringe in the van where ever we go. Spraying helps deter the ants, but the Gel kills them all dead!!