Weber Baby Q 100e


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2011
Iirc the 3 meter limit to the bayonet hose is a legal requirement for natural gas appliance not for gas flow. Think about it the gas has already traveled along 4 or 5 metres of small diametre pipe in the van.

Last year rather than picking up the baby Q at Rays with 25% off I got the gas attachment for hilly billy camp oven, but now regret not grabbing a Q as well.

What I have found is where they put the gas bayonets on the expandas 3metres doesn't necessarily get the BBQ or appliance where I want to cook and the bayonet fittings are very firm to fit on and off (which is good) and I like to disconnect gas after each use. So when home I am going to use my 3m bayonet hose fit a gas cock to the end and then a POL female fitting after that. That way I don't need a new bayonet hose for every or any gas appliance and i gain an extra 1.5m to get it right away from the awning and bed end, least that's the theory. I am pretty sure a reg on reg won't be a problem but I will check with a mate who used to design gas appliances for email..

Sorry for the OT

cruza driver

Staff member
Nov 9, 2010
Mighty Victoria
If you haven't already got one buy the weber triangle cleaning brush, it makes cleaning the grill a snap, just dip the brush in water and and clean the plate while it is still hot.

They do make it easy Boots I think the easier something is to clean the more it will get used :yo:


New Member
Dec 20, 2011
South Australia
Looks Fantastic

Well done Cruza. We baught one when we got our expanda and reackon it was the second best thing we baught (van was first)

Have cooked a roast lamb and it to turned out fabulously well. I am sure you will enjoy many more to come



Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
Hey CD we love our 100E too. we got ours to use in our expanda but it now gets a lot of use at home as well. Did all our Christmas meat in the weber this year, cooked a 3.5kg Turkey, couple of Chickens and a roast pork. Our other BBQ hardly ever gets used now. If you haven't already got one buy the weber triangle cleaning brush, it makes cleaning the grill a snap, just dip the brush in water and and clean the plate while it is still hot.

Thanks Boots, it is now on my 'wanted' list. :yo:

cruza driver

Staff member
Nov 9, 2010
Mighty Victoria
Tonight was Pizza night in the Weber, just the standard ham and pineapple and I used Lebanese bread as the base.

We already have a Pizza stone that we use in the indoor oven but it is a bit big for the 100e yet it still worked fine.

Here is the result of my 1st go at Pizza in the Weber. (pre cooked)
And one of the cooked ones of the two I cooked



Active Member
Nov 9, 2011
We got the 100e too :) We have the small pizza stone for it as long as a few other accessories. Our favourite is probably the electronic temperature probe that you put into the meat and set it for how you want it cooked. It has the portable beeper which is really handy.

I'm sure by the end of the year we'll have a bigger one for here at home and keep the baby for just in the expanda. BTW, we just take a gas bottle off the expanda when camping and put it under the BBQ Trolley. That way we can cook where ever we like.

Moto Moto

Forum Moderator
Staff member
Mar 15, 2011
The Gong
Mate, this post is making me really hungry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pizza's in our Weber were a regular meal on our recent 4 week trip around Vic. We still use it to cook them at home too so we don't heat up the house using the oven during summer!

cruza driver

Staff member
Nov 9, 2010
Mighty Victoria
Mate, this post is making me really hungry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pizza's in our Weber were a regular meal on our recent 4 week trip around Vic. We still use it to cook them at home too so we don't heat up the house using the oven during summer!
It was Pizza again here tonight. We have cooked a couple of different meals over the last couple of nights too including kebabs. :hungry:

Moto Moto

Forum Moderator
Staff member
Mar 15, 2011
The Gong
Then you can move on to dessert! My wife makes the BEST apple crumble on the weber, mmmmmmmmmm crunchy top.........


Active Member
Oct 28, 2011
Perth WA
Hi Guys Ive been using the Webber Q now for 4 years (when they 1st came out) We use the middle size one at home and use to take it away in our van but the hassle was to clean it before packing up , both ways! So I invested in the baby Q. Perfect for the van. You can get a little pizza stone and make pizzas but make sure you use the roasting rack to put the stone on or you will burn base. Also mix up a Greens date cake, add more dates and walnuts put it in a cake pan, place on stone with is on rake a nd cook at around 120-140 until cooked. Its like having a sticky date pudding. Yum
Cheers Jenny

Capt. Gadget

Obsessive & Compulsive Gadget Man
Dec 1, 2011
Busselton W.A.
We got the 100e too :) We have the small pizza stone for it as long as a few other accessories. Our favourite is probably the electronic temperature probe that you put into the meat and set it for how you want it cooked. It has the portable beeper which is really handy.

I'm sure by the end of the year we'll have a bigger one for here at home and keep the baby for just in the expanda. BTW, we just take a gas bottle off the expanda when camping and put it under the BBQ Trolley. That way we can cook where ever we like.
Hi Andrea is the Temp probe thing a Webber one, I saw a different brand remote one in the Hardware store today for around $30


Active Member
Nov 9, 2011
Hey Scollays, yes it's a weber one.... It says its "Weber Style Thermo Sensor 433mhz Cable Free" On the back of the controller is says it's model 44025. It was $69.95 from the Weber shop. We couldn't find them anywhere other than the specialist weber stores. My husband's the chef in our house so he's the one that uses it. HTH.
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Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
We also decided to get a BabyQ before Christmas and tried it out first with steaks and then with sausages but the thing smoked continuously. We have since taken it apart and cleaned it completely but as soon as it is fired up and starts getting hot, grey smoke starts pouring out again. So far not that impressed but will perservere.

Persevered with th BabyQ with no real success but I was given a breakfast griddle for Christmas. Got to try it out on Australia Day only to find the lid would not close. Back to shop with griddle only to find it fits properly on their unit.DSC_2301.jpg

A closer look at the lid in the shop and then going home to check ours prompted a call to Weber who asked for photos, model and serial numbers by email. Return email said a new lid would be sent to arrive by Wedensday but all that turned up was the hardware kit, (handle, screws, hinge pins and a gas knob). A call to Weber again and I am informed that the pazrts come from different spares stores so are sent separately. The new lid arrived late this afternoon.
DSC_2310.jpg DSC_2309.jpg DSC_2308.jpg

The difference is obvious. The lid now closes properly on the griddle so I hope it may also stop the smoking.