Server Change Update / Down Time Today


Site Founder
Staff member
Dec 22, 2009
Western, Sydney....
Hi all, today we moved across to a new server and you may have experienced some downtime with different internet providers taking different time frames to update there DNS that directs you to our new home...
So I know the first question is going to be - "Yes a new server, but why didn't we just move?" :decision:

Well over the past few months the site has grown substantially!

To give you an idea we used to average around 30 active users on the site at one time but now this can be any where from 50 - 100 at a time.

Although this is only 10% of our base it could grow even further especially in winter when alot of us are hibernating and planning the summer adventures / van pick ups :) but overall this does require a larger degree of server capacity.

The most important fact here though is how much this is really fantastic news for everyone on the site as it means through your posts, help, insightful information, discussions and openness we are growing as a group substantially.

You should all be proud of this fact as you are all contributing to the sites appeal and the groups as a whole as each day progresses and the numbers are going up because of this so kudos to you.

Some statistics for you to give some background on what this means in numbers terms -

  • Total Members = 700
  • Photos / Files Stored On The Site = 3,680
  • Photo File Storage = 1.5 GIG's of data
  • Australian Site Visits For The Month Of June - 11,900 individual page hits

Technical / Facts mumbo jumbo aside what this does mean is that we have really outgrown the style of website hosting the site has used for the past 2.5 years since it was created.

Essentially in the past we shared resources of the hosting services we had and once we reached the limit the site would temporarily be disabled at most it was around 10 minutes a time.

But the frequency of this due to the increase in numbers was obviously happening more often as we grew.

You may have read me asking other members if access issues they where experiencing where related to "Resource Limit" errors and this is what I was getting at.

So today we moved to a new home for the site and we are now on our own box, with our own resources and there is no sharing what so ever.

And if we do happen in the future to reach the limits through future growth we can just tack on more of what ever we need (CPU / RAM).

This is fantastic from technical perspective as well as it has allowed us to implement a few new technologies that will make the site faster, more accessible and is something which we couldn't do in the past due to restrictions on shared hosting.

But it does present other challenges as it means we have more things to look after in the background.

Myself and the mod team over the last few weeks have been testing the new home we find the site in today and have essentially been stress testing it and trying to make it fall over and also enjoying the extra speed and load times of photos and files and we now are the point where we have committed to moving from the old home to the new which is what happened early this morning.

But we do also need your help moving forward, if you notice something strange / not working or just need help I encourage you to log a fault ticket by either of the following methods -

1) Using the online ticket system to raise a ticket

2) Email your issues to the below email address and this will raise a ticket for you

I will endeavour to respond in the quickest time frame possible to any issue raised but at the moment have alot going on so please bare with me.

From myself and the mod team we hope you enjoy the new home for the site and another huge thank you to you all as it is 10000% true without the participation off all of you on the forum we would not be here today and such a wonderful website to visit so thank you for your patience in getting this all setup and any downtime you may have experienced today but lets bring on tomorrow!!!!

Dion and The Mod Team....


Site Founder
Staff member
Dec 22, 2009
Western, Sydney....
Found that out when I tried to log on around 2:30 today. All went well I hope? :juggle:

Yes a tad bit of juggling and a few heart beat moments but we made it :)!!!!!

Jeeeez started to stress out when i couldnt log on today but all good !!!

Dispatching one epxandasdownunder anti stress kit consisting of a database backup and coffee :)

Seriously thanks for your patience!!

I picked a good time to drive home...missed it all

Good timing :o and I hope the drive was good!

Thanks again Dion for making this all happen. Love this forum!

No problem at all!!!

Moto Moto

Forum Moderator
Staff member
Mar 15, 2011
The Gong
Great work mate!

All seems to be going well so far, thanks for all the effort you are putting in to keep this great forum going and growing:high5:
Feb 1, 2012
I was worried yesterday as I could not access it from anywhere and kept getting different types of messages, anyway all good as its now back. Thanks to the Team for their work.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2012
Petrie Qld
Hi Expanda,

I sent a support email about TPG's DNS, but it seems that they have finally updated there DNS Servers and all is looking good.

Appreciate all your hard work!



Site Founder
Staff member
Dec 22, 2009
Western, Sydney....
Bummer, do me a favor if you get chance on your pc at home do the following -

1) Start (Windows ICON) > Run > Type -


2) Press enter

- A command window should open up

3) Type -


- Copy down the numbers it gives back only and report back the number it should start with either 103. or 110. -

After doing this you can also try this -

1) Start > Run > Type


2) Press enter

- A command window should open up -

3) Type -

ipconfig /flushdns

4) Press enter

5) Rerun the first test

Let us know how you get along!


(aka maccayak)
Mar 20, 2012
I restarted pc and it came back. It was working OK until 9.30 ish and then came up with that DNS message. Back on now. With Bigpond if that means anything.

Thanks Geoff