Reporting faults to Jayco

Paul Costa

New Member
Apr 15, 2012
Hi all,

Not yet the proud owner of a Panda... maybe another month before delivery, but i am getting more anxious by the minute with all the faults and poor workmanship reported here. (Faulty brakes/ loose wheels/ leaking roofs/ leaking taps/ falling cabinet drawers/etc etc etc)
Does anyone think that Jayco (management) actually know about and read this forum. Maybe it's just a matter of people power (hundreds of complaints) to actual management... not the dealers, to rectify some of these quality problems.
I know that if i owned a company that sold such items and received hundreds of complaints from a specified site such as this one, heads would roll in the company. Maybe a restructure within the factory is what they need, but nothing will happen unless we make them aware of it.
Maybe start with management reading our forum. I'm sure they would be proud of the wonderful help shared among fellow enthusiasts and the service they provide to each other. After all... all the info supplied here is not clogging up the service and info lines at Jayco Headquarters. Imagine if every single one of you called the hotline for something that went wrong.
Make Jayco aware of Expandas DownUnder. Point out to them how you feel. Maybe the wonderful product we all love and bought will actually get better. :grouphug:


Dec 1, 2011
Newcastle NSW
We picked up our Discovery in March and have not had any problems. It has had its 1000km service and while there we had the clock replaced baecause the hands fell off!!! Other than that not a problem with workmanship at all. Oh I did get them to run a little extra sealant on the top rear edge as it looked a bit light on , but other than that nothing. I too was scared of what I may find but have been very, very happy. Jayco phoned tghe other day and said they had a replacement cabinet door for me, I didn;t know anything about it. Said they weren't happy with one of them when it went in for service. I have checked them all and they seem fine so will be interesting to see when it goes in for a future service. Watsons at Coffs have been very professional and thorough in their dealing with me. Looking forward to many years of happy vanning. I am sure when you get yours it will be fine. Unfortunately on forums and the like many of people get on to complain and so the ratios eems blown out of proportion.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
North Rothbury
We too have been very happy overall with our van - my only issue being the water pump when not connected to mains (i.e. when free camping) - air is getting into system somewhere - I am going to replace the clear PVC water lines with food grade ones and put on better clamps. As well a small amount of water came in around the front lid when travelling in very (and I mean heavy) rain. When front bed was opened there was maybe a litre or so of water that drained out.
Other than that it has been faultless - fit of doors etc good. Considering the price compared with other vans we had been looking at (1.5 to 2 times the price) we think we have a bargain.

Make sure at handover that you check everything - our handover took nearly 3 hours. Make sure you are shown how to use everything - how everything works.



(aka maccayak)
Mar 20, 2012
Jayco admit they are not the best van, they are the best value for money van on the market. There is a difference. Sometimes people expect too much for what they are paying. I for one will carry a battery drill and tool box in the van.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
And don't forget the glue and a roll of white duct tape (just in case). Also a box of matches to use in the case of stripped screws for cupboards etc!

Jim and Tab

New Member
Jul 29, 2011
Bendigo Victoria
im not sure of how much truth is in it.
but we were talking to a couple at easter who aparently live next door to the owner of jayco
chatting about our few probs.we were told jayco know all about the little issues but its much better for them to get them sorted out at the dealer than waste
time on the production line
but it could have been the beer talking

Big Gee

Apr 8, 2011
I would take most of what is said on all forums I am a member of with a grain of salt, the odd person here or there may have some issues.
We have had a fantastic run with our caravan & I did as you are doing read all the horror stories about Jayco & I think all it did for me was cause anguish.

Best advice I could give is learn as much as you can at handover then go out and enjoy your van! if you have any problems get them fixed!

No Worries :first:


Jan 16, 2012
I have had several Jayco Campers and about to take delivery of a new Expanda. Yes, the QA on the production line sucks and you will have small issues however I have never had a problem in getting these issues resolved as my dealer has provided me excellent service, no questions asked during the warranty period. Be preperad for some or lots of little issues and get them all sorted during warranty and in return you will have a good value product for teh money and whats most important to me is that Jayco have a resonable resale value.

Moto Moto

Forum Moderator
Staff member
Mar 15, 2011
The Gong
Well i love my van to bits, but that hasn't stopped the issues. I put my issues plus the things i love about my van on forums like this to help others, not to scare them.

Unfortunatley for Jayco, their product can appear faulty but the root cause is actually a part supplied by another manufacturer, as in my case my HWS being faulty and now my brakes playing up, neither of these are manufactured by Jayco.

At the end of the day its a lucky dip. I guess i'm one of the unlucky ones. I still love my van and have no issues with Jayco. Everyone is human and humans can make mistakes from time to time. I just focus on getting the issues fixed so i can continue to enjoy my van.

Companies like ARB have social media managers that scour the internet forums all day looking for feedback good and bad. Jayco would be wise to do the same. I would happily do that job for them:wof:


Jan 16, 2012
Moto Moto, I agree with you, Jayco need to have better linkages with their consumers through Forums such as this and social media. As good as their Dealers are Jayco still cary this persona as a company that refuses to talk to it's customers. To give you an example, I have a Brand new Expanda coming in 2 weeks and need to know the exact model number of the Toilet so I can buy the appropriate SOG Ventilation system as well as the Specification of the Solar Controler to see how many additional Panels I can add. I called Jayco and they refused to take my call, go figure that?

Message for Jayco, ot that they are Listening.
"As mucha s I like your products, I dislike you as a company because you refuse to engage with your consumers"


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
If your looking for a van with beds on the outside the options are limited and my pick is Jayco even if it's just for looks.I think it's common sense to take a tool kit and other items for running repairs no matter what make of van you have. Like I have said before in another thread you will always get a bad apple no matter what tree it's to speak!

I just hope when we pick up our new van from Vic I don't have any wheel issues cause it's about 1000k's back home!


New Member
May 2, 2012
We have had our14.44-4 for a few months now and only problem is a cupboard latch. I do think the dealer has a lot to do with it, we probally paid a little more , were kicking ourselves when reading the prices that were mentioned on this site but the dealer is close,spent 3 hours at handover gave us great advice and nothing is a problem, they rang me to tell me that jayco has approved getting the scratches on the hard lid repaired, The only scratches I can find are minor. We had the electrics to the car done by an auto electrian they did a shocking job, jayco Canberra fixed it all up no charge,we may have paid more for the van but the dealer has made up for that.Maybe jayco needs to look into the dealers more if the attitude is to fix later. My parents were told to keep clear of jayco when they bought their van , not good quality,they bought an olympic. the roof leaked, a drop down jack broke and there was a crack growing in the roof of the ensuite.I think we are always going to have problems with products but its how there fixed that matters.


Mar 21, 2011
We have had a few issues with our 17.56 - most minor and one I considered significant. All were dealt with by Jayco (Prestige Geelong) professionally and honestly.

Their service manager, Mark, was great to deal with, listened, acted and gave no BS!! (I hate BS 'ers). Our van is now back there for the second time for some minor stuff - most of which I could do myself..... but hey that's what a warranty is for!

I did enquire about the 1000 k service and what is done for 200 bucks I can do myself. I do believe the 1000k service should be included with the purchase (yes you still pay for it though).

Overall we are very happy with our purchase and love using it! It is great to read what issues others may have come across though, gives you a chance to look out for them happening to yours or stop it before it does.


Moto Moto

Forum Moderator
Staff member
Mar 15, 2011
The Gong
I always laugh when people are told to stay clear of Jayco. This is crazy advice in my opinion.

I know people with other more expensive vans that have had just as many issues if not more than me. They always seem to say 'should have gone the Jayco and saved my money'. Better dealer network for servicing and warranty works too.

Another thought - I got a customer feedback form from Jayco as soon as i purchased the van, i think another one 12 months later may help them with future improvements to their products.


Site Founder
Staff member
Dec 22, 2009
Western, Sydney....
I think its subjective and its more a personal choice.

Anything that comes of a manufacturing line with a bazillion added on parts are liable to have some failure.

I have seen many custom vans with alot more severe issues than what I have seen with the Jaycos. Things like wood rot throughout the structure, A Frame-s snapping in two, roofs caving in, non compliant gas and electric installs the list goes on.

Its not to say that Jayco doesn't have some quality control issues but go spend double even triple in some cases and you will end up with potentially the same issues.

I personally think the best thing in this that is missed is the service received from Jayco dealers Australia wide when it comes to warranty and servicing.

I bought my Jayco's based on this and this alone, I travel ALOT and travel long distances.

Though small issues and just general servicing I have been able to have it all repaired up and down the eastern coast of Australia no questions asked.

I have looked at other vans but nothing else can match this type of service.

I am very happy overall with the two jayco's i have had and look forward to getting my third.

It fits the budget, it is overall usually comfortable for our needs and when things do go wrong I have the safety of knowing a dealer is not to far away.

Moto Moto

Forum Moderator
Staff member
Mar 15, 2011
The Gong
I think its subjective and its more a personal choice.

Anything that comes of a manufacturing line with a bazillion added on parts are liable to have some failure.

I have seen many custom vans with alot more severe issues than what I have seen with the Jaycos. Things like wood rot throughout the structure, A Frame-s snapping in two, roofs caving in, non compliant gas and electric installs the list goes on.

Its not to say that Jayco doesn't have some quality control issues but go spend double even triple in some cases and you will end up with potentially the same issues.

I personally think the best thing in this that is missed is the service received from Jayco dealers Australia wide when it comes to warranty and servicing.

I bought my Jayco's based on this and this alone, I travel ALOT and travel long distances.

Though small issues and just general servicing I have been able to have it all repaired up and down the eastern coast of Australia no questions asked.

I have looked at other vans but nothing else can match this type of service.

I am very happy overall with the two jayco's i have had and look forward to getting my third.

It fits the budget, it is overall usually comfortable for our needs and when things do go wrong I have the safety of knowing a dealer is not to far away.

Well said mate. You touched on the issues i was trying to make, you actually said it better. Back to 2nd grade for me.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2011
there are a number of examples here where there have been problems, granted. But I think there are many more of where the buyer has expressed satisfaction (or more) for their purchase - and buy Jayco again a second, third time. As mentioned above, sometimes they can just be to help others identify a problem (i'm not mechanically minded, so someone elses experiences can help identify if I have a problem, and how to resolve it)

After I bought my first new car, I was on the forum reading all the horror stories, and then looking and waiting for something to go wrong. It didn't for 2 years and was a small commonly experienced electrical fault, and fixed straight away. But in the early stages it was always in the back of my mind "when will something go wrong".
One of my colleagues purchased a new van, non-Jayco, top dollar, hand made etc etc. He had been told how good they were and to avoid Jayco (by the dealer). He has had many many problems. We possibly don't hear as many problems with non-jayco brands, as their market share is less. More van sold = more reported problems.

I am a building designer and when a new building is constructed, there is always a maintenance period to repair things which didn't quite work, or came loose, or was faulty when installed etc.

I believe it is normal to have faults in mass produced products. It would be nice to have none, but doesn't happen. Thats why we have warranty periods on everything.

My advice: Don't let any of these reported problems bother you, but just get out there and enjoy your van and your traveling experiences. :D

ps problems on mine -
the hand pump failed as there was a faulty washer inside,
the antenna didn't lower completely due to dealer error when showing how it worked,
the tap connection came loose and rattled when the tap was turned on.
and the only Jayco manufacturing fault: a cupboard latch wouldn't stay latched due to placement of striker plate, which I adjusted with a screwdriver (maybe I am mechanically minded after all)
