Good Morning , Good Afternoon , Good Evening


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
Rather have state/ federal leadership as in Aust than none like in US. Wouldnt be a state premier for quids.
All my doctor wanted was for these Vics to be honest and give information as required by NSW govt laws.These particular idiots ,like many others just do not seem to get what we are all dealing with.Until it strikes them !
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Rather have state/ federal leadership as in Aust than none like in US. Wouldnt be a state premier for quids.
All my doctor wanted was for these Vics to be honest and give information as required by NSW govt laws.These particular idiots ,like many others just do not seem to get what we are all dealing with.Until it strikes them !
You're 99% right, idiots abound everywhere but they are in equal proportions throughout the country, and across every state. I truly get sick to death of this horse crap political rhetoric about Aussies always digging deep for other Aussies in time of need blaa blaa blaa, nothing is more fanciful. As a culture, we talk up a big game but we are generally a lazy, greedy, self focus pack of turds deep down. That old tired chestnut "that's un-Australian' in reference to questionable behaviour is absurd, being a turd is what we all do best. What's going on up north certainly isn't a Victorian "thing", it's an Australian "thing" .... Vic are the only state with the Zombie'ness so it's just easier to see the turds in the Victorian home jumpers at the moment (but I suspect Vic holding that flag alone will change soon enough). What we do very very well is to ignore our own backyards, and point out the often same failings of others.

As an example of the good old Aussie ANZAC brotherhood in action, the true unsung heroes of the southern fires were the Indians and Muslins that turned up from the Metro area with food and love, and nothing more than then the desire to help the struggling Aussie communities ... in the mean time not too many Metro Aussies we're seen pitching in down there unless of course there was a little cash involved with one of the many amply reimbursed contractors.

Im very confident I'd struggle to find anyone who has truly stuck to the distancing, and movement restriction rules 100%. Sure, there are probably many people who may have come pretty close, but it's always easier to condemn than to comply; your Doctor's behavior corroborates that, and he is just as typically "Australian" as the turds he's turning away. The leadership in Vic with this has been abysmal, only yesterday they spoke of stage 4 restrictions ..... but when asked, they are clueless as to what they even means other 4 seems possibly worse than 3.

Blind luck has been our savior thus far, oh and of course NSW and QLD absorbing half the Vic population ;)


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
Our friend runs a cafe here in Yamba ,1 metre square sign front door stating in large letters only 12 inside sitting down at a time.She has been abused nearly every day when people people walk in sit down and are told too many inside seated and they must wait outside.Nearly at her whits end with rude people.I might add she can be fined for having too many.Are these ordinary Aussies ,?is this the norm these days..?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2013
Viewbank, Victoria
You're sounding like one of these state premiers who think they can eradicate the virus. Not a hope in hell. It will not disappear until there is a vaccine. Just got to learn to live with it.

We where down to 40 cases in Melb on June the 14th. So we would off been almost clear from it by now.

Then they let it out of hotels. Different DNA so they know it escaped hotels.. Latest Genomic or whatever testing has beed hidden by Dan.
Sutton already spilled the beans where he said looks like it all came from hotels.. Then he been told to shut up.
Labour or LIbs they play politics too much. Lets have an inquiry so no one can get to the truth.
Not saying LIbs whatever his name is do better.. Although please just stop hiding your mistakes and learn from them.

So yes if we did not let it out of hotels we be where WA is. 10 AFL teams not left the state.
The rest of us be stage 4 next week.. thanks for that.
We all know someone who did something wrong.. Yes and most including me now blame you Dan.
I still being good.. Although lots now do not care.. the we just say we have a protest as your ok with that Dan is strong now.
The young sick of being locked up for old people.
All this crap we in it together.. 95% of people do the right thing.
If everyone did we need no police at all.

NSW would not be in the &*(&*( they are in now with out Vic, although at least they tracing cases.
Nor NT or SA have new cases and people hiding in trains and trucks to get across border.

Like NZ all of WA cases are in hotels where they should be.

So no you cannot ever get rid of it to a Vaccine. You have to keep borders shut or protected.
What about the tourism. Did you know OZ we actually spend more on OS then OS people spend here. Think of Bali/Thailand how much $$ spent
If people brought caravans :) "on topic" and went around our beautiful country and spent $ as could not travel OS tourism would not be dead.

International students.. Pretty sad all the $$$ CEO's get in Uni's are from Chinese students..
If you made new arrivals wait for more than 21 days to be sure. You could open up the rest of the country.
You could let students in if they cleared.

Sorry again as a Victorian.
You never going to keep people locked down.. Too many crazies.
An ex workmate was in all the papers last weekend and on the news.
Most of the comments under it says fake news.
Pretty sad if anyone wants to read comments.. He pretty shattered..
You keep reading and becomes pretty clear all political choices for union mates.. Even the hotel idea came from hotels wanting $$$.
Why not Christmas Island anymore.
Martin Pakula was in charge.
He is an ex National Vice President "National Union of Workers" who recently merged with the security guards union..
So was jobs for mates. Or thought doing the right thing.. Although for months people heard it was not working.
No idea where the rot is.. we have a inquiry now so shhhh
Even now Dan saying we do not need the gov or army for contact tracing like other states..
We going to use experts from Telstra call centre..umm Dan you ever ask for help from Telstra :(
Heard a few cases people got positive and they did not care where they worked.
One lady was asked can she ring where she went in the last 48-72 hours for them.. Been to like 5 shopping centres over the weekend.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
too late too leave Melbourne now. Trapped like passengers on the Diamond Princess in Japan. Completely at the mercy of an inept State government with no chance of legally escaping.

I am 67 years old and I never thought that the greatest threat in my entire life would come from a corrupt, self-serving, lying, blame shifting, ass-covering State Government.
Am I scared? Absolutely!

I do understand that I have been extremely fortunate to have been born after the second world war, too young for the Korean war, just missed conscription for Vietnam by a change in government, too old for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Also given that my mum died of cancer at 38, my dad from heart disease at 53, and my sister from cancer in her thirties, I have thus far avoided any health problems. So, I have indeed been very very fortunate.

Perhaps my luck will still hold.

take care


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2013
Viewbank, Victoria
Stay safe Mike.

To make mistakes is human.
To setup an inquiry and learn nothing is a Politician.

He screwed up now make things better.
look at how NSW traced that crossroads stuff. 6000 people contacted.
Keep hearing cases in vic where they said they too busy.. Although Dan says we need no help.
Pretty sure it be some cousins brothers mates company who got to do the work. Probably ghosting hours with kick backs.
and no I voted Labour most of my life. now I just see both sides as professional money grabbers who do not care.
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Active Member
Oct 7, 2019
Here in Melbourne, it has moved well beyond the Government's don't be rude up. Yes heads will still roll on Spring St, but this is now down to a selfish population who think they're too good for imposed restrictions. You only have to take one look at shopping centres to see that people are paying less attention to them with little regard for their own health and that of others. Some places undoutedly will become hot spots, the public housing situation is one that springs to mind. High traffic communal areas are a breeding zone for a virus like this.
I criticised Andrews heavily at the beginning of this second wave, and rightly so. He's been 1 stuff up after another, and he will be gone from the leadership before the year is out. But im not naive enough to realise that the greater society is playing a bigger role in this second wave than anyone in Government.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
From the Australian on 10th July by Rachel Baxendale, Victorian Political Reporter:

"Victorian Jobs Minister Martin Pakula has confirmed his Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions had a role in the decision to hire private security guards to work in the state’s bungled hotel quarantine system.
However, Mr Pakula has vehemently denied as “scurrilous” and without “a shred of evidence” suggestions from Labor sources that he may have been seeking to provide jobs for security staff covered by the United Workers’ Union when the Andrews government decided to hire private contractors for hotel quarantine security roles, rather than follow a national cabinet recommendation to give the job to police or ADF personnel."

He was the State Secretary and National Vice President of the National Union of Workers. My understanding is that this union covers private security guards.
They recently amalgamated to become the United Workers Union.

There were emails written in March 26th from senior government officials expressing concern about employing private contractors but they were ignored.

take care
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2013
Viewbank, Victoria
I see a lot of "Mild Flu" "Fake pandemic" people around
Also a lot of young people it will not effect me.
Also think people burnt out with lock downs and not the high percentage of deaths as US/UK. Yet.. hopefully never.

Although as NSW finding out it every state slack
Look at the footy last night in WA
People slack at social distancing.
Does Gucci or whatever in Chaddy really need to open.

Need to keep people locked down.
2 weeks no Bunnings not going to kill someone
2 week Bunnings open might


New Member
Jun 8, 2020
Nsw will cop it just as bad as Vic has, wait for 2 more weeks and don’t be surprised if it hits Qld and the rest of the country
Don’t Sook about your Doctor, why don’t they do phone Consultations first like Vic, that will help your friend not get the Virus,
It’s time for all of us to be smarter.
Safe caravanning all, Qld weather is great Drover.


Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
Hi guys, our forum is about caravans and travelling this great country. The corona virus has had a big effect on us with travel restrictions and people breaking the rules of their respective states has not helped. Pouring out our heartfelt sentiments is a welcome relief from the misery of lockdowns and bans but it gets a bit of a problem when we start naming names and uttering derogatory comments of particular people especially politicians and doing it in writing on the forum. There have been cases where people have been sued for comments on social media and I for one, don’t wish to see it happen to any of our members.

By all means, vent your frustrations at rules (good or bad) and people breaking them, and the frustrations of being confined to particular areas and states. We all sympathise with Victorians and what they are currently going through and it probably won’t be long before NSW and even Qld will have some of the same. It might be a cliche, but we are all in this together even though we may take the mickey occasionally.

It has been a very lively conversation with no animosity between members which shows the quality of you all, for which I would like to thank you but I feel we must tone it down a bit to maintain the excellent style of the forum.

Stay well and safe.:clap2::clap2::clap2:


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
North Rothbury
Hi @Billrw136 great to hear from you again it’s been a while, cheers
Thanks mate - one day we must catch up again - unlikely to be in the near future however! Anne and I are moving to the Hunter valley early next year (house just about to be started - well, plans went to council a week ago!) so we will be an hour closer to your neck of the woods...
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
North Rothbury
Well as to people doing the right thing - we took the camper to Hawk’s nest area a week ago to be with family. Stopped at Heatherbrae pies for a coffee and, you guessed it, a pie. The place was teeming with people, not much social distancing happening. While I ordered (did not need two of us in the queue), my wife found a seat for us. A man nearby to her suddenly came out with a fit of coughing - my wife changed to another table straight away. Roll on to yesterday - we get in the car to head over to our son’s place to mind his children for the afternoon and my wife begins coughing, shortness of breath, ticklish throat (symptoms had been slowly coming on during the morning).
So - cancel child minding duties - COVID-19 test taken instead - results in 72 hours. Probably only a cold, but couldn’t take the chance with family and others around us. Self isolating till results given.
Point of this story is that the fellow in the pie shop who coughed/sneezed should have stayed outside....and let his companions get food/drink for him...
PS camping with the family was good fun!

Disco Duck

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2017
Adelaide South Australia
Well as to people doing the right thing - we took the camper to Hawk’s nest area a week ago to be with family. Stopped at Heatherbrae pies for a coffee and, you guessed it, a pie. The place was teeming with people, not much social distancing happening. While I ordered (did not need two of us in the queue), my wife found a seat for us. A man nearby to her suddenly came out with a fit of coughing - my wife changed to another table straight away. Roll on to yesterday - we get in the car to head over to our son’s place to mind his children for the afternoon and my wife begins coughing, shortness of breath, ticklish throat (symptoms had been slowly coming on during the morning).
So - cancel child minding duties - COVID-19 test taken instead - results in 72 hours. Probably only a cold, but couldn’t take the chance with family and others around us. Self isolating till results given.
Point of this story is that the fellow in the pie shop who coughed/sneezed should have stayed outside....and let his companions get food/drink for him...
PS camping with the family was good fun!

I hope all is good with the tests Billrw136 and that you guys are OK

Disco Duck

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2017
Adelaide South Australia
All is NOT lost people !!



Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
One thought, through out history so called good /great leaders (Excluding Trump) have made stuff ups that have changed the course of history.Look at the first ,second world war generals ,campains that went pear shaped in Galipoli, DDay, Vietnam,Iraq remember Bush on the aircraft carrier after 5 days , The war is over !Prime Ministers like Churchill proved they were not immune to very poor decisions .Hindsight is great ,easy to blame anybody ,everybody.!As I have said previously Covid19 is an invisible foe ,(much like the war in Vietnam,the yanks couldnt identify friend or foe which in the end,led to blanket bombing ,village burning etc).
Unless ALL of us work together ,listen to people who have more knowledge than us ,and go along with decisions we may not like,we are in deep poo.!
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