Good Morning , Good Afternoon , Good Evening


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Well the gate is CLOSED into QLD, your all locked out, you can escape but can't come back in................and if you think you can sneak around the back thev'e made it a bit difficult................still be the odd track outback of Dirrinbandi I suppose id you didn't get bogged.



Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Well the gate is CLOSED into QLD, your all locked out, you can escape but can't come back in................and if you think you can sneak around the back thev'e made it a bit difficult................still be the odd track outback of Dirrinbandi I suppose id you didn't get bogged.

Tear down that wall Mr Gorbachev !!!

That might stop a Jeep in its tracks, but a V8 Troopy. Push it over or just drive straight over it. All that said, the press release down south in Mexico was the barriers were put in place by NSW, to locked you Cane Toads out.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
That wall wouldnt stop the drinkers at the Jennings Hotel .! Friday night ,plenty of Toyos. and a bit of tractor pulling ,might be a good show.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
That wall wouldnt stop the drinkers at the Jennings Hotel .! Friday night ,plenty of Toyos. and a bit of tractor pulling ,might be a good show.

I was thinking the same thing plus horse just walk around, was a good watering hole at the Jennings Pub................always a tractor there to tow the Toyo's anyway. Wonder if they have oiled the hinges on the tick gates ?????


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Tear down that wall Mr Gorbachev !!!

That might stop a Jeep in its tracks, but a V8 Troopy. Push it over or just drive straight over it. All that said, the press release down south in Mexico was the barriers were put in place by NSW, to locked you Cane Toads out.

Nah, theres another pub on the QLD side only a few hundred yards away, besides there's quite a few tracks across the old railway line, tick gates on the Highway and only the city folk would stop and wonder why.

Don't think many of us want to venture south ............................. QUEENSLAND beautiful all day every day....

Check out QLD Traffic, zoom out, heaps of red flags along the border..
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2013
Beautiful Burrum Heads QLD
we used to ride down there and stay at that pub regularly, the one across the road always called the police when we went so they would send a car up from Tenterfield with a couple of coppers in full battle dress to check out the bikies, then they walked into the pub and saw some geriatric old fools having a beer they looked relieved and dissapointed at the same time lol The other pub has been closed for a while now good memories


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
we used to ride down there and stay at that pub regularly, the one across the road always called the police when we went so they would send a car up from Tenterfield with a couple of coppers in full battle dress to check out the bikies, then they walked into the pub and saw some geriatric old fools having a beer they looked relieved and dissapointed at the same time lol The other pub has been closed for a while now good memories

Been awhile since I wandered around Wallangarra/Jennings mostly just roared thru in the middle of the in law was once based at the local Army Unit back in the days when the town was interesting on a Saturday night and both pubs would be going strong.....only ever had one beer at Wallangarra pub but a RAAF truck could sometimes be seen parked out back at Jennings.

Damn boring, no shooting, no beach picnics, no going to club, can't go to Maryborough for Dans or Bunnings or camping by a river, just a bit fishing for food (glad we have plenty of cow)........... shed is clean, Jeep is polished, No JW's banging on the door, well thats one bonus and I wish I had bought that still last year..........I could be making my own hand sanitizer and a bit of internal for the use of lubricating fluid.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
How can i do a run to Singelton NSW at easter i need to pick up some alloy rims for the cruiser
Its bloody important i reckon ive been looking for over 12 months @Drover your in the trade well used to be how much to send 5 alloy rims either singely or on a pallet ?????? Ruff price is fine i wouldnt think too much but i could be very wrong not the first time say 100 bucks ????????? Question for the day

If Cracka can't help a courier would be the go, box em up, weigh em then get a quote, but the fella would have to do that for you don't strap to a pallet as that would be included and at 40 to 45kg a pallet you don't need for price couldn't say,my mob would have been around $150 a ton or part but we didn't do little stuff.
You could do a solo fast run up and back and hope the border doesn't close, sleep in wagon, do it at night tucked in behind a semi or maybe put flashing lights on top and look like an off duty escort heading home.... and hope the border doesn't close while your away................. Vic plates would be an attention grabber.....
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Don't forget to set your watches and clocks to QUEENSLAND time tonight kiddies ..................................well the eastcoaster's anyway...
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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2013
Sunbury VIC.
Hi @Bluey,
is it possible to arrange for the seller to drive them to the border and you pick them up from there?

Even if you pay for his fuel it would be quicker and cheaper than farting around with a freight company.

Take care
Or maybe you could meet at Narrandera, That would be a round trip possibility for both of you.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Or maybe you could meet at Narrandera, That would be a round trip possibility for both of you.
and for @Bluey only 14 days isolation on the way, and only another 14 days isolation on the way back (assuming stage 4 restrictions dont kick in, but Im taking bets they will) and if you leave, oh say, today you should be back at home on May 3rd. Actually youll be back on May 5th, because with supermarket shopping number restrictions and purchase limits you'll need 2 days to organise the supplies for the isolation. Should be a good trip ... must be awesome rims like Troopy rims :)
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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2013
Sunbury VIC.
and for @Bluey only 14 days isolation on the way, and only another 14 days isolation on the way back (assuming stage 4 restrictions dont kick in, but Im taking bets they will) and if you leave, oh say, today you should be back at home on May 3rd. Actually youll be back on May 5th, because with supermarket shopping number restrictions and purchase limits you'll need 2 days to organise the supplies for the isolation. Should be a good trip ... must be awesome rims like Troopy rims :)
No border controls between VIC and NSW except for you are allowed to fish from the northern bank, but not from the southern bank of the Murray
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
No border controls between VIC and NSW except for you are allowed to fish from the northern bank, but not from the southern bank of the Murray
had a debate yesterday. My take is so long as your standing in the water on the southern side your in nsw ... so cast that lure and enjoy
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Welcome back to QUEENSLAND time southerners....:cheerful:..:clap2:...:cheer2:...............and thats about as close to QUEENSLAND as your going to get for quite awhile I think, so just dream about that decision you kept putting off to move up here with us............. But rest assured we have just as many idiots as you in SE QLD including politicians, actually its scary to admit actually that ours haven't been as bad , something terrible must be coming though...................

The good news is, the weather is looking good for the " Drover Maru " to head off to feed the fishes in the morning, thats if the Skipper gets his big bum :cower: out of bed early enough....:biggrin-new:.........:apathy:........:cool:.............. We can go fishing for our tucker and if your not some idiot in SE QLD you can still go to the beach using a bit of Common Dog.....................something SE QLDers are lacking, possibly because they can't read.,, anyway the Gold Coast beaches and probably Sunny Coast beaches will be ..:closed_2: ... thanks to the stupid morons .

PS: I'm just outside of the SE QLD area, thankfully a big NP keeps the morons away..............


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
2 fisherman have gone missing over the weekend went out in a tinnie was a bit blowey and bad weather not looking good for them should have stayed home crew out looking for them

Especially when fishing is banned and two people in a tinnie would have broken social distancing laws and they had no safety gear.
Worse still, now a stack of scarce resources have to be used trying to find them.

They absolutely deserve whatever they get.

If they are alive, good reason to bring back public flogging.

The longer I am locked up trying to do the right thing, the angrier I get when I read about dickheads such as these.

Don't get me started about the antics of the Police thugs using the new laws in stupid unintended ways and at the same time being lenient in stupid ways.
For example. Fining a guy for buying a kebab and then eating it in his car.
Checking up on 300 odd international travelers who were supposed to be doing in home 14 day quarantine. Finding that 90 odd were not at home and issuing them with a warning. 65% of infections have come from international arrivals.
Oops, I got started all by myself.

Take care
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