Dave's 2013 17.56-2 OB


Active Member
Dec 17, 2014
I can see a need to do the job again when I get home as I didn't have the gear needed to prepare the surfaces before applying the sealant. I'll be using something different then sica, will check the bostich out.

Dont worry about it 1dayill, (love the name by the way), 1 day, you'll get it sorted.... :)
did you try marine sika dave? Its the sikaflex 291 i find it works well on vans and on boats i have had over the years. much better than normal sika.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Gold Coast
I got sica pro. All I could get in my 20 min time frame.
That's why I'll do it again.
Made the run from Talbingo via Cooma into Canberra today, with snow forecast this weekend, our timing was perfect.
What a beautiful drive.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Gold Coast
With my lazy man setup yesterday arvo on arrival i left the van with a slight port side list.
Woke this morning to a puddle of water on the floor near the sink.
Checks found it to be a leaking fitting inside the panel where the water filler and mains water ports are, the fittings were far from being firm. Lucky I had the list as I'd not have found it.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Gold Coast
An amusing discovery today....
Filling the rear tank, I notice it breaths via the fwd breather.
Now, I can't imagine how that could happen..... :biggrin-26:

As an aside, I'm real happy we got this Van


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Gold Coast
It is the last night of an epic 1st trip away, so far all is well. Had a flat yesterday which held us up in inverell, oh dear, so I had to assume the position with a beer or 2 and then visit tyre shop this morning.
Got a list of mods I need to start on now.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Gold Coast
With the fridge being a compressor type i now need to be mindful of charging, given we like camping away from a power supply, I need to improve on the solar capacity.
In the past with the camper trailer I was most impressed with the Projector Solar Blankets, I paid over $700 at the time each.
Well, today, at Anaconda, I scored 2 x 120 watt blankets for $550 each.
I'll look for a bigger controller, 40 amps at the least, as I'll now have the 2 x 120 watt on the roof, and 2 x 120 watt blankets to move about as needed.
If I don't find something I'll run with the 30 amp currently fitted to see how it goes, i can't imagine all 4 panels producing the max rated current of 7.5 at the same time, especially the fixed panels up top, I like to camp in the shade sometimes.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Gold Coast
Tinkering is well on the way.
Got a long weekend coming up for 3 nights off grid camping...
First up, so I still have a van to take away, just to slow the %$#@ers down anyway. It wraps around the suspension as well.

Next was to move the well thought out jayco 12 volt outlet for the telle, I kick it at night and if something is placed in the cupboard it gets bumped also.

I moved it up top, on the right.

Whilst at it I added 6 x USB plugs, I hope it will be enough... :becky:


In my large amount of lurking before buying, I looked into buying a heater, and have decided on the Truma E 2400, placed an order for it today with the local guys, as they insisted I came around with the van to plan the install correctly, for no charge, knowing I am doing it myself, plus the gas guy will finish it off.

Hopefully the Kincrome box arrives tomorrow, another idea copied. :) So I'll get cracking on that.

Picked up the MC4 connectors I need so I can get these ready to plug in also, a pair of 120 watt panels, all up, I'll have 480. The 30 amp controller will be working hard, but the plan is not for it to be working hard at max, and I doubt it will. I hope to replace the jayco noname controller with something else.



Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Gold Coast
I'm getting there with the elecs slowly, a bit happier with it.
I spent time sorting out the install, and managed to make room for a 3rd battery..


Fitted a gas detector, and picked up the Truma heater today, tomorrows job.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
I've missed most of this story but have caught up now...............................................................with those multi USB sockets you may find that with all running off the one circuit you may not get full juice on all of them.
You need to get a puncture plug kit so you can repair on the go, unless you blow the thing to bits...............

On your dual batteries to get the best out of them run the positive from one battery and the negative from the other battery to your junction, that way both batteries will be getting and providing the best power, running both leads from just one means the other battery will be lazy, not getting a full charge nor providing the best charge.
I hope your going to cap all those exposed positive points, have seen some lovely bundles of molten plastic from set ups that had a short across an exposed terminal. Actually but I would also do a mod that many of us have done and move your water fill/breather points elsewhere, thats not a great spot for them..........

Looking good though doubt if you will have power problems, on good sunny days your batteries will be fully charged by 0800 I reckon.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Gold Coast
Thanks Drover.
It is not fished yet, but as usual, (following the aussie blokes tradition) I'm under the pump to get this done for long weekend coming up.
I'll be moving the water fill when the front box is done, adding a 3rd battery.
The USB's have a clean power supply, and I did the test and it was fine.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Gold Coast
Made a big start on the Gas Heater install. Why does it take SOOOooooo long to drill a 3" hole in the side of the van... :becky::becky:


Good ol Jayco hey, they take a great idea and give it P--- Poor Execution.
The tunnel boot has a plastic sleeve in it, great idea, but behind the sides is a bit over an inch of nothing. Now that's heaps of space not used is how I see it.
Took a moment (during heightened paranoia) to figure out why the hole saw wasn't going through. This next pic shows the gap.


Got the new front toy this arvo.


The 2200 series webber fits just right.


The only thing with the box is the pinch weld hatch seal hardly contacts the lid when closed. Off to Ovesco it will be to find something better, not gonna bother hassling Kingcrome over it other to say P Poor effort....


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Looking good fella.................................................the finish of a lot of alloy stuff is why I went with MatesRatesTools, excellant finish and they are strong........................sticky back weather seals on special at bunnings, it works well.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Gold Coast
Off to the green shed this morning, so I'll grab a roll of the weather seal. Attach it to the underside of the hatch should fix it.
The box was the best design I could find to suit my needs without the locks on top to fill with water.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Gold Coast
I got the heater install done, and tested with just the blower, very impressed.
Next the gas guys needs to come and finish it off correctly plus a couple other things at the same time.
The black pipe in the pic is the fresh air intake for combustion, inside this is the exhaust hose, the fresh air side acts as a insulator from the high exhaust temps which preheats the combustion air.


This next pic shows the 2 x vent ports, the one on the right is fresh cabin air into the seat cavity.
The left vent is warm air back, this position is to allow the warm air to blow toward the back of the van.


The installation sadly has a small trade of, the ducting is in the front storage compartment.


So I made a pine wood frame over it 19mm thick.
A blind man will see my usual high quality mat black paint job


The heater control is up near the sink, beside it are switches I have added for the fridge and multiple accessories.


As I had some time before beer-O-clock (i have a pair of Old bloke over the road who have a go at me for working after 15:30 when they crack open a few).
Anyway, i got this job started , removed the old tool box, and cyl mounts.
Very happy with how this box sits in place, and it will be very easy to mount the cyl's in front.


I should get it powder coated, but no time now, later perhaps?

The box is just sitting in place, yet to be mounted as I want to mount the BBQ connection in behind it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Gold Coast
I got the box mounted nicely today, and made up a frame for the 2 gas cyl's.


I mounted the BBQ connection in behind the box, an easier and still out of the way place.

Now for the wait till Friday morning for the gas man to call around. Nothing like the last min chaos, we go away that arvo, so i put him on notice I need it done and dusted for then.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Gold Coast
Thanks to helpful guidance from a local Victron agent who then wanted to know the complete set up.
He convinced me that I needed a pair of smaller controllers and to put the roof mounted panels in series. He changed my mind and learned me a few things as well.
Seen as I needed to play up on the roof of the van to do this, it rained, of-course..... grin.gif
Now at beer-o-clock, I am happy as the 2 controllers are mounted and 1 is online. With thick grey clouds and light rain at 15:30 in the arvo I am getting 1.8 amps from the fixed panels.
In the sun tomorrow i'll set it all up to check it out.


On the offside behind the front box is the connection for the 2 x Solar Blankets to plug into. I have a short lead with anderson plug 1 end and MC4's the other.


Now here is how I plug the solar blankets in. In each panels pocket is a 5 meter lead, the black coiled lead is a 6 meter 30 amp cable.



Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Gold Coast
I should have pointed that out, yep, 1 controller for the roof, and the 2nd is for the portable blankets.
Wiring neat, na, not at all, I'm not happy with it, just mounted it neatly till the next round of "Oh dear, i should have added this".
Its looking like I'm up for replacement batteries, they aren't doing very well in the 2nd discharge test......
Failed the 1st


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Gold Coast
Well I've been out in the shed this morning for a bit of tinkering.
Knocked up a rear spare wheel mount in underneath.

Raided the spare bits in the back of the work bench, and scored a wheel winch from a triton 4wd.

Put it together for a test run, and made an extension tool for the drill socket, same size as wheel nuts and drop jacks.


Now another pic of it.


Now the frame is mounted, with a lick of paint.

Onto the next job.......
