Caravan park dash cam


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2011
Stayed in Stanley at Summer. Came into the park and could see kids on bikes on the next road. Fine, watching....
One kid looks behind him (at his parents). We see whats coming and stop completely. He plows into the bullbar (taking the paint off too).
Apparently a new bike he just got for Christmas and still learning how to control it. I was the second car he got that day.

Thankfully I was completely stopped before he hit, it was in front of his parents, and also in front of the park manager.

However, his parents later made him come and find us and apologise, and they offered to pay to repair the paintwork (no I didn't). All his mates came too so it gave a good opportunity to instead congratulate him for wearing a helmet and emphasise the importance of it. All had theirs on, except one girl. I asked her were it was and she said back in the van. "Do you think you should have it one?" "Yes" - runs off and gets it.

He then had his bike taken off him.

In Ayres Rock Resort a couple of weeks ago and the little kids (4-7) were flying around those roads, with plenty of other heavy vehicles moving around, including a number of coaches...... None with helmets either


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2011
Eastern Suburbs, Melbourne
Also a good time to teach kids to 'keep to the left' ... this little girl was very lucky but I did notice she swung around the corner on the wrong side of the road - feel sorry for the person driving the car.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2012
Glenmore Park
It would be nice to think everyone would drive so carefully in the parks. However I must confess that as a teenager I once drove rather fast (probably about 60km/h) through a park. It was nearly empty at the time, but no excuse. Anyway thankfully I was "corrected" by the park manager (ok.. he was extremely harsh on me and he should have managed things better). So wearing a helmet is a no brainer to me. I've seen a few times while here in China the sickening results of not wearing one (large pool of blood on the road, smashed bike tossed to the side of the road), I don't understand how the hundreds of people riding past the site seem to think that it won't happen to them. You never know when some idiot (or teenager who hasn't yet learned their lesson) will come past too fast - so my kids know the helmet is mandatory!


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
Brookfield, Vic
Kids in caravan park sometimes not always ride at excessive speeds, It is lucky she survived without any real penetrating injuries . However, a lot of caravan parks have banned kids from riding in the caravan park due to liability issues. It unfortunate when there are obstructed views from trees she was lucky to have a helmet on and you were lucky to have dash cam there can be no arguments from that footage. However I have also seen idiots drive at high speed with or without a caravan on the back in caravan parks to which my wife yells at them slow down wanker before you kill someone
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