Tow Vehicle re-tune


New Member
Nov 30, 2017
Hello All.
I have a late model Japanese 6 speed auto ute towing my 14’ outback.
My question, has anyone had an ECU remap or new chip fitted, Looking for slightly better fuel economy and thinking if the motor could hold the higher gear for slightly longer then the fuel economy might improve.
Not after a wild tune.
If you could improve 5 to 10 liters a tank it would pay for itself fairly quickly.
I did not want to name the tow vehicle because it then become mine is bigger than yours competition.
Just after some advice from people who have done this and are towing and traveling.
Regards Tony


Active Member
Mar 25, 2011
Previous Auto that I had, would only lock up in highest gear (5th) meaning that it would slip in all others. I believe that it has changed in the later model, but in this case an engine re-map would not help. In some instances would get better fuel economy by going faster.

So just checking that you are solving the problem. (For me I changed back to manual).
Even for the mapping it may help to know the vehicle so that you can get people with the same to comment. I did have the previous car chipped, but it did not make that much difference because of the auto when towing.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Depends on what fuel figures you are getting as it may not do much no matter which brand, if you have increased tyre/rim size or gone to more aggressive tread pattern that will eat more fuel, tyre pressure and driving style when towing will also be a cause, as stated above using manual to select a gear in the appropriate rev range will not only keep temps down but will save fuel. 6th gear is basically an overdrive just to keep the engine ticking over and the vehicle rolling, not to work hard.

In my Colorado I find 2400rpm in 5th to be a very economical selection giving me the speed I want and lower temps and compared to being in auto a saving in fuel of around 1 - 2l/100k and temps of 10 deg lower in tranny..
While I won't poo poo a remap or chip but unless one takes in all the little things like better air flow, tyres/rims, tyre pressure and gear selection, a chip or remap will be an expensive option without a lot of gain for when towing and they do need to be researched well or your engine can have problems, not all types work well in all brands either.......some increase fuel and boost turbo pressures which in turn can increase the EGT which is not good especially in tow situations.
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