Starcraft Starcraft 22.68-1 OB Size


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2014
Bacchus Marsh
Thanks for the pump up @17triton. Once we get the thing built with the bunks I'll post some pics.... naturally.

We really thought the Gecko stood out as a unique layout, even in triple bunk form. I will say this, that regardless of double or triple form, there's never too much space for them to play. But lack of space was the reason we got the interior changed over.

They also do a double bunk option on both sides... but where's your storage?


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
Brookfield, Vic
Thanks for the pump up @17triton. Once we get the thing built with the bunks I'll post some pics.... naturally.

We really thought the Gecko stood out as a unique layout, even in triple bunk form. I will say this, that regardless of double or triple form, there's never too much space for them to play. But lack of space was the reason we got the interior changed over.

They also do a double bunk option on both sides... but where's your storage?
we all tend to make do with what every storage we have and really its always some type of compromise .
my only thought with triple bunks would be how big can the kids get before they start to feel cramped height wise in the bunk
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2014
Bacchus Marsh
Very much so @mfexpanda, but I guess it was more a rhetorical question about the Gecko in particular. If you took out those robes and replaced them with double bunks, you essentially would have nowhere in the van for your clothes. But I'm only speaking this specific model.

And yep, with triple bunks we were essentially thinking we'd get 3-4 years out of the van before they got to big/claustrophobic. Our prime reason for changing the layout was to improve headspace and comfort for the kids.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Hi Guys- just trying to find out from people who have one if the overall size of the Caravan is limiting them from accessing places in the real world - we go to a couple of caravan parks regularly & these have all said that we can bring a van that size to our normal site but wondering if it is an issue in general? We are looking at doing a lot more free camping with the new one.
Still making up our mind if we go this or Expanda 20.64-1?
Thanks in advance - Dale
We have a 20.63.1OB Expanda with ext drawbar. Not too much smaller than what your looking at and we drag that heavy fat ar$e thing everywhere ... including some places I probably shouldn't have. We free camp a lot, and so far i havent struck anywhere i would take my old 16.49 that i havent taken this behemoth.

We're upto around 200 days usage and 25k km and whilst we've had a few issues, not one if them has been related to its size.

Dont listen to all these old Nannas with the caravans. Caravans are for old fuddy duddys. Giant bloated camper trailers like the Expanda with some canvas are for the hip young go getters. Plenty of time when your old, frail and nonsensical to own a caravan

Also the expanda is a lot colder than a full van, this is why we sold our expanda.
2 words ... diesel heater:) They work in non Expandas too.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Hey !!!!!!.........I don't have to push up roofs or push out beds, just open door and it's done..............oh, sorry, I'm not old nor a fuddy duddy...........but seriously thinking of diesel heater, getting down below 20 deg here.
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Well-Known Member
May 2, 2016
Hobart, Australia

Check out the gas heater while you're at it. Same basic design as the diesel unit, but you don't need to carry an additional fuel, it is regarded as a quieter unit, but must be signed-off by a licensed gas fitter.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Thats what sold Big Mal to Mrs D, @davemc no more climbing over each other to get out of bed....................