Electrical More of a "how not to" than a "how to" fix.

meandher (a frost)

Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2013
The Vines, WA
Now, before anyone starts rolling around the floor slapping their thighs with mirth -i have one thing to say in my defence - it worked.

Margaret River these past couple of days has been, well, rather wet. Stranded in Big Brenda in the middle of a forest in torrential rain with only the scrabble or the scouser for entertainment it was decided that switching the telly on and sinking a couple of coldies seemed the best way to spend last evening, but maybe should have thought about building an ark,such was the deluge.

The beer was easy. Mr Engel and his thermal reduction capacity worked a treat as usual. The telly however was a different story. We leave it permanently on the bracket and it appeared that the coaxial cable was a bit heavy and it had pulled the guts out of the female part of the plug and giving lousy reception no matter what you did. Well being prone to the odd verbal expletive with an even odder adjective in front of it i decided to have a go at fixing it. What damage could I do?

So,out came the screwdrivers and in a thrice 20 or so fiddly little screws were all over the table, floor and everywhere else that small bits of kit fall when you dont want them to. A neat pile of Hitachi's finest electronics was slowly building, only to find that when i got into the bowels that i needed the smallest of soldering irons to remake the original Japanese robot's soldered connection into one suitable to please a cack-handed Australian. No good. Put it all back together again and had changed nothing except my mood.

In a fit of pique that only a man who is missing the ABC News could muster i discovered that if you push up the plug it makes the connection, only to lose it again when you let go. So, with the best resolve and a bloody big roll of Gaffa tape, a pool noodle, a sharp knife and a little trial and error ( more error than trial I might add) i managed to cantilever and append the aforesaid items long enough to last the evening with only the merest hint of an electronic pfft, pfft, pfft on occasion.

Moral of the story, dont leave the telly aeriel plugged in on the move and never leave home without a good supply of Gaffa tape, beer and enough resolve to get the job (half) done.......i think i will add electrician to my list of skills. Wadyareckon?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2013
Is it true you cut the rest of the noodle up and sold them for $10 with pieces of gaffa tape as a TV repair kit? Nice work...... :clap2:
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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2013
Central West NSW
#4 item for the toolbox.
Hammer. If it doesn't move and it should and the WD doesn't work, if it does and it shouldn't you may be able to belt it into submission. Also it can smash that Corona, allowing access to a beer that does not require the addition of fruit to make it taste good.