17' Series HELP!! Thetford cassette won’t rinse


New Member
Jun 28, 2021
So, we are meant to be going away and I keep running into troubles … this is our first trip.

I went to fill the rinse tank as it indicated it was empty. However, It couldn’t have been as it filled after only a cup worth of water. The rinse indicator is not working it seems. I went to flush and that works but after a number of flushes it won’t flush water. It is still appearing to make noises.

What do I do? Are there any vids on this? Huge


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
You will have to drain your rinse tank, directions are in the dunny manual, you will then have to try and flush out any gunge.......... If the tank is left full with water with the rinse aid stuff it can go mouldy and block things up, its always best if you dump the flush tank when storing, give can a good rinse out and apply olive oil to all seals. You may also have to clean the lines from tank to pump as well but sometimes drain/fill/drain/fill/flush routine can clear it........... If you haven't got a manual go online with your model number and you can download one.

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