Good use of dead space


Active Member
Nov 4, 2012
West of Sydney East of Lithgow
I am pretty sure its a copy of an Atomic stove top coffee maker, I think they still make the atomic now, bon trading company sells them, the old atomic ones I have seen sell up to 1000 dlrs. The one in the picture is an Otto brand and sells for around 750 dollars, I have seen one but not had a coffee from one. Its on my wish list, I use and Isomac at home and roast my own coffee, I use a nespresso when I go away and it will go in the new van, although you will never see me admit to owning one in a court of law, I keep it secret from my coffee roasting friends for fear of ridicule.



Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2012
Brisbane - Carindale
Ahh lizard, your a coffee lover like me, the Isomacs are quality, we have a Vibiemme, and would love to roast beans. Time is my issue. With all the kids commitments there's no time...
Interested in your thoughts on the Nespresso for the van, and this can be our little secret, just between you,me and the gate post. cause I have the same concern, I have never tried the Nespresso, are they ok, I know it won't be a patch on your Isomac. we want something for the van that won't be over a $600-700 and makes a reasonable coffee. Was thinking of a Rancilio Silvia, don't know to much about them but have heard they are not to bad.


Active Member
Nov 4, 2012
West of Sydney East of Lithgow
I found the nespresso pretty good, I have previously tried a machine called the "Presso" but it wasnt for me so I sold it. Without boring everyone to death, the standard 'single shot' of coffee should contain around 7 grams of ground coffee, my single shot basket for the Isomac wieghs in at 12 - 14 grams depending on grind and tamp ect, so technically I am drinking double shots of coffee, but only putting about 30 mls of water through it. The Nespresso pods wiegh in at 8 grams including the metal surround. So its a single shot but its just cutting it as a single shot. Because I am a coffee nut people think I just drink coffee all day, I drink 3 or 4 flat whites a day in cups about 220mls. So I just spent 18 days away and figured it out with my wife at about 150 pods. Nope. We busted through them in about a week, at first I found it a bit weak, but we drink 14 grams per shot at home, so we bassicaly doubled out intake and found that it was fairly acceptable in taste and better than most cafe take aways. So the spare space in my van will have about 500 coffee pods in it. Now if I payed for 8 take aways a day for 18 days its about about 600 dlrs, the delonghi machine I bought was 240 including a thingy called the aerocinno for doing milk which I think was the best part of it. The pods are about 100 bucks for 150 delivered, so I saved money in the end. Now before everyone thinks I drink to much caffiene, go and google caffiene levels in drinks, youll find espresso is not that high, so to all those tea drinkers who drink 10 cups of tea a day, your pobally having the same amount of caffiene as I am. I could go on forever about it but I have to go to work, but the nespresso pod machines will do me and the aerocinno milk heater is a cracker.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
Rowville, Victoria
We use the Rancilio Silvia at home and they make a excellent coffee. But you need to combine it with a top notch grinder. We buy beans from St Ali on the web.

For the van we use the nespresso and it is not a patch on the Rancilio. But for pure size and compactness of machine I am willing to put up with the flavour.


Jan 23, 2011
Bathurst, NSW
Hi Turtle
just saw this thread and am wondering where you got the pull out slide?
is it a howards storage type thing or is it the rolls royce Hafele type one
i am getting my 17.56.1 in feb and thats a great idea for what is a fairly hard space.
I got mine off the net from "Caravans Plus" . It is the 2 basket 110mm style although I just had a look and they only appear to come as a twin pack now


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2012
Brisbane - Carindale
We use the Rancilio Silvia at home and they make a excellent coffee. But you need to combine it with a top notch grinder. We buy beans from St Ali on the web.

For the van we use the nespresso and it is not a patch on the Rancilio. But for pure size and compactness of machine I am willing to put up with the flavour.

Hi brad,
Would you ever consider taking a Rancilio in the van? I haven't seen one in the flesh?



Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
Rowville, Victoria
Yep we have done it and also seen someone else do it.
It is simply too big for us for short weekends but at Christmas time for example where we are basing ourselves for two weeks we may consider.
Don't forget Jas that the Rancilio only produces good consistent coffee if you marry it with a good grinder that can also time the grind time. So that's one more thing to carry around.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2012
Brisbane - Carindale
Thanks brad,
Bit of a conundrum really, it's trying to find the balance between getting a decent coffee whilst keeping the weight down, the weight of the Rancilio and grinder starts to add up. I have never tried a Nespresso, maybe need to go find a place that will allow me to sample.



Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
Rowville, Victoria
We drink the green and pink capsules. The taste is ok for the benefit of compactness of the machine. We just heat milk in the microwave.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Macedon Ranges, Vic
My wife insists on her morning latte, so while we would have loved to bring the big DeLonghi Prima Donna, her mission was to find a suitable alternative for the caravan.

We looked at pod based units, but the thought of how to deal with running out of pods was not something I wanted to deal with.

Eventually she found this great little Kambrook KES110.

While in the pics below, we do have pre-ground "emergency" coffee, we still take beans and a grinder.

The Kambrook unit was not expensive ($72 from Big W) and has no pumps, just uses the principle of a heated pressure vessel. It makes a great coffee and also heats & froths the milk really well.

As for remote camping, we have 2 x 100AH batteries, a 200W 10.5A folding solar panel and I am about to install a 2500W/5000W pure sine wave inverter. The unit uses 870 Watts, so it is perfect.

All this makes for a very happy wife - Now all is at peace in the know Universe :)





Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
Nice one Ro, i'm taking ours away too, i'm a 2 coffee man in the morning otherwise don't talk to me! :)



Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Macedon Ranges, Vic

If all else fails - dissolve 2 x No Doze tablets in something/anything.

That will pick you right up - off the walls and/or the ceiling! :bounce:


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2012
Nice. We have the Safeway coffee pod machine at home and have taken it away with us. Works a treat and the coffee goes alright.