Ford Ranger Transmission


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Mate has a Ranger which even when not towing the tranny temp is high and while his driving style helps keep it down he wasn't happy with temps over 100c, he brought to my attention some things which certainly explain why a number of Ranger and BT50 autos fall over ...................... in a nutshell the box has a thermo switch which doesn't open until the box gets to 100c, no wonder they run hot, he's putting his in to get a cooler fitted and the thermo switch sorted out, be interesting to see how much better his Ranger is running when he drags his rig up here next month..
On reading up on the transmissions I can't see why they have such long oil change intervals other than a cost incentive, you sell vehicle after 5 yrs and the gearbox falls over on the new owner, easy...


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
Brookfield, Vic
Drover you are scaring me with autos
You know I have that new truck coming and for the first time in forever it’s a Auto
I hope that it it works with out over heating .


Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
Drover you are scaring me with autos
You know I have that new truck coming and for the first time in forever it’s a Auto
I hope that it it works with out over heating .
@mfexpanda, I have had my auto Mazda BT50 for nearly 5 years now. Like you, this was my first auto truck but it has pulled my 18' Journey around the country side with no problems. I have promised myself a scan gauge just to keep an eye on things like the temp and having worked at a polling booth yesterday, I can now afford one. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

I don't think you will regret buying an auto.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Drover you are scaring me with autos
You know I have that new truck coming and for the first time in forever it’s a Auto
I hope that it it works with out over heating .
I would kill to have an auto in the tractor Im buying, manuals are for mugs
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
After 2 Jeeps and this 'Olden with autos I have found they have changed my outlook on Auto's entirely, I love 'em BUT while these modern auto's are way better than the old Slush Boxes they have to be used properly not just put in "D" and forgotten about.

Most important while the manufacturer says they are sealed for life, life is really only the warranty period, the boxes are not sealed just may not have a dip stick and they have a service interval which funny enough is just outside the warranty period usually, this creates a lower service cost regime but doesn't help in the boxes longetivity, a lot of Trany specialist advise changing every 40,000km which when towing a lot is a good idea, my tray has a few mm of crud on the bottom of the pan at 40K so I would hate to see how thick it is at 150K...

My mate with the Ranger has a scan gauge on his now which encouraged him to go the path of a cooler, if I had a Ranger or BT50 I would be fitting a tranny temp gauge to keep an eye on things but I would certainly be changing the fluid around 40K.....


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2013
Beautiful Burrum Heads QLD
I’m a bit like @Drover last manual I drove had 18 gears and a lot of HP, wouldn’t have one in a car for quids now, fortunately the Jeep comes with ability to check temps anywhere at the push of a button I suppose Toyota and the rest might catch up one day?


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Oh please @Crusty181 we were talking about cars with 2 pedals not tractors with multiple pedals, just being curious does your new tractor have 2 foot brakes like the old TE Massy Ferguson had?
Who is this Mr Massey Ferguson bloke .... Ill fight him anytime anywhere (What sort of first name is Massey anyway; must have been an unwanted child)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Oh please @Crusty181 we were talking about cars with 2 pedals not tractors with multiple pedals, just being curious does your new tractor have 2 foot brakes like the old TE Massy Ferguson had?
Just spent the last 4 hours scouring the InterGoogleWeb for a review that tops out a 70 series with a Jeep, any Jeep. Im getting Carpal Tunnel, not getting much success; Im thinking Google must be broken. Can you jump on and give me a hand, maybe ring a few mates to help out ??. :boink: :bolt:
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2012
Hunter Valley, Newcastle
I have fitted the dual cooler to ours and temps still get up there if crawling up big slow hills when off roading. The boxes also get a lot of heat soak, i have had mine sitting on 60 deg and switched car off to go see something only to come back and find the temp around 80 deg when car restarted.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
My mate is reporting temps below 90 usually as he tows his rig to QLD, he did get the valve replaced and cooler added. Great improvement as previously around the 100 mark when just solo without van on back ...................... Engines as well as gearboxes will increase in temps after shutting down before cooling with loos of airflow, the duration depending on ambient temp.


Jan 20, 2019
That 100 deg C temp. valve seems a crazy idea considering Australian conditions.
I had my 90’s auto fully rebuilt a while ago, cost a mint. Part of the overhaul was an upgrade to the converter clutch. The upgraded converter is painted with special paint that changes colour if the temp goes over 120 deg C. Then no warranty.
She has a 30-row Davies Craig cooler plus a thermo fan and my trany oil temp sits at 50- 60 deg C.
As coolant temp and trany oil temp are linked via the radiator heat exchanger, my trany oil temp will rise if the car’s coolant temp climbs but it maxes around 95deg C giving a trany oil temp of 65 deg C.
I wonder if owners are not driving with their converter locked? If you have scan gauge or similar, you can watch your trany oil temp drop as soon as converter lock is reached.
When pulling hard in my 90 or my 150 I never let the computer decide on top gear, rather I get it locked up one gear lower and let her rev. Once on the flat I knock her into locked top gear.