Another One for ANZAC Day


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2011
True @achjimmy . I just thought it was brilliant to get that out of a guiter!

Totally agree @dagree

Going to be a tough Anzac Day, the eldest will be driving the lead aslav in the Darwin Parade and we can't be there :(

@chartrock , @cruza driver and few others might remember him as the quite lad with the karate tee shirt at sheepyard flat? Now an active servicemen, time flies by?


Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
Tomorrow will be my first time to march in an Anzac day parade as I am not a returned serviceman. However, my CMF (Reserve) association has asked members to march with the returned diggers from the Commando units from WW11 to assist them (the few left will be in their 90's) and to carry their banner. They have managed to temporarily get their original banner from Canungra Land Warfare Centre and it is apparently about 8' high. I can understand @Drover's emotions as I am sure mine will be all over the place.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
Perth. WA
One of the yearly things I used to look forward to was marching with my Uncle and wearing my Grandfather's medals. Unfortunately my Uncle is the only one left here in WA from his unit and doesn't march anymore.

Will still be at the local service though!


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
to all those who have served
to all those who are still serving

thank you

as an ARMY Brat, brought up in Married Quarters on Army Bases, ANZAC day means a lot of different feelings

as the son of a Vietnam Vet - I am proud of my Father and those like him who served their country
as an Army Brat, I remember 2 of my friends in the late 60's, early 70's having to move to "Grans", as Dad was not coming home
my Uncle served in Korea
my Grand Father served in Darwin with the RAAF
my Great Grandfather served with the Merchant Navy and Army in WW1

Lest We Forget