A must carry item in the van toolbox...


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Macedon Ranges, Vic
Since talking delivery of the van a few weeks ago, like most, I have been doing some mods and fixes.

Have just finished putting on the external LED strip and I used after removing the useless double sided tape and thought it might be good to put other onto it. :biggrin:

One thing that has been invaluable is the industrial strength "super glue" I was put onto many years ago.

This stuff is not like the ordinary super glue you get at the hardware, auto shops, etc., but is a pure distilled glue with no solvents to help it dry/set.

This makes it perfect for glueing almost anything to anything and it only needs the smallest of drops.

The other MAJOR ADVANTAGE is that it does not dry out in the bottle. The current bottle I have is 2 years old and I just keep it in the fridge when not in use. My last bottle lasted 7 years.

Admittedly it is not cheap - about $50 for 50ml, given how well it works, this is a small price to pay.

Also can get a powder/filler that dries rock hard and also works as a plastic weld.

I am not affiliated with this product or distributor - just that it has saved by bacon many times and paid for itself many times over.


Pasco Fix
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