Good Morning , Good Afternoon , Good Evening


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Stopped at Heatherbrae pies for a coffee and, you guessed it, a pie.
We have a list of places we stop at when we travel, some of which like specific McDonalds stores and with McDonalds we're not fans and we would ordinarily never stop call in. Heatherbrae Pies is one "fav" and I use that term lightly (or more a mindless habit stopover) . We generally only stop for a pie on the way sth, rarely nth for whatever reason. They are always very busy, parking can be frustrating, the pies are ok but nothing special and they are very expensive. We mention all 4 of those issues every time we stop, but stop again next time anyway. We do the same with Jayco dealer near the pie shop, go in there for no particular reason only to whinge about the prices and walk out annoyed. The Bunnings down the road is also a regular stop for a bit of 'me' time. Im getting older, so whinging and mindless routines are starting to creep into my life .... ha


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2014
We have a list of places we stop at when we travel, some of which like specific McDonalds stores and with McDonalds we're not fans and we would ordinarily never stop call in. Heatherbrae Pies is one "fav" and I use that term lightly (or more a mindless habit stopover) . We generally only stop for a pie on the way sth, rarely nth for whatever reason. They are always very busy, parking can be frustrating, the pies are ok but nothing special and they are very expensive. We mention all 4 of those issues every time we stop, but stop again next time anyway. We do the same with Jayco dealer near the pie shop, go in there for no particular reason only to whinge about the prices and walk out annoyed. The Bunnings down the road is also a regular stop for a bit of 'me' time. Im getting older, so whinging and mindless routines are starting to creep into my life .... ha

we usually make a stop at Heatherbrae Pies when travelling either north or south of Sydney. Depending on the time of day it could be a pie or vanilla slice or sometimes both.
speaking of pies coming home from South Durras last weekend we stopped at Ulladulla and had a steak and mushroom pie from a shop called Hayden’s Pies next to the Mitre 10. Very very delicious.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2014
I see a lot of "Mild Flu" "Fake pandemic" people around
Also a lot of young people it will not effect me.
Also think people burnt out with lock downs and not the high percentage of deaths as US/UK. Yet.. hopefully never.

Although as NSW finding out it every state slack
Look at the footy last night in WA
People slack at social distancing.
Does Gucci or whatever in Chaddy really need to open.

Need to keep people locked down.
2 weeks no Bunnings not going to kill someone
2 week Bunnings open might

went to Mogo Zoo last week and as we had to prepurchase our tickets I thought that meant they were restricting numbers. We had to park in the overflow carpark. The place was packed.
After the zoo we wandered the Shops on the highway to spend some money post bushfires. The only shop making any effort and a great effort at that for social distancing was the lolly shop.

Boots in Action

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Ferny Grove, Queensland
I allso hope good for you @Billrw136
See this is the problym people dont realy care about others what about the cleaners and food companies going to all the old peoples homes spreading this to all the oldies its unbelievable now there dyeing bugger me we knew about this in January and March so why not back then protect our most vulnerable people by makeing all the cleaners and so on in these homes wear masks ...... bugger me its not rocket science or is it at least try oh they are now the horse has bloted bit bloody late .... realy simple decisions seen to be the hardest i carnt belive the lack of action by all in power shame on them all we knew it was comming and did bugger all to get ready
Shame shame shame there deaths are on there hands for doing nothing to at least try to protect them and in sydney they shut the doors left them all in there to catch it at least here there starting to move people but its too bloody late the way they are handeling things are very poor indeed ..... its realy starting to show the true coulors of the failure of any govenment to make real decisions when we need them most to protect us its there job isnt it ... take the easy road and we will fail we are failing now its like a horror movie slowly playing out first to go are the aged through no falt of there own its such a bloody shame they dont deserve to sit there with no where to run

@Bluey , you are talking about a lot of individuals and a population that has had so much freedom before and NOW do not, and will not, do as they are told for the good of the nation. They will not be regimented or disciplined regardless of the fines or consequences. Remember, civilization is just a thin veneer over animal life and the law of the jungle!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
I might be off topic but Good Afternoon from Eidsvold Qld, the sun is setting.....

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Boots in Action

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Ferny Grove, Queensland
I might be off topic but Good Afternoon from Eidsvold Qld, the sun is setting.....

View attachment 65412

I say @Drover , if you see a very new (5 days old!) AOR Quatum towed by a white 2018 200 series Toyota Cruiser, it will be the couple with the new van who were camped near us at Booloumba Creek. Their names are Jeff and Ingrid. They are real "newbies" to vanning and needed a lot of help and guidance when with us, from setting up to solar generation. Any assistance you can give them if you come across them would be appreciated I am sure. Eidsvold was their second stopover during their shakedown with new van and they will be there for a few days camping off grid I think. I will be making a post on how they started and what mistakes they made.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
I better make sure I crop my photos before posting I think and the shower block is closed otherwise I would be parked well away.............and @Boots in Action thats for the warning, showed someone how to get their HWS going on their new Jayco/Fiat house boat but I steered clear of the slide out section that wouldn't operate, I know enough about them to stay well away from that issue.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
North Rothbury
Bill, I hope Anne is ok and the tests come back clear. I can understand dropping the child minding as we must protect the kids. Glad to hear the house is under way, @Billrw136, be nice if you are in sometime next year. Take care and look after that lady.
We got the result back - all clear - good for her to recover from the nasty cold...


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
probably parked too far away for that :)
Its a freecamp Dave, not an Apartment ... there's an obligation to share

He is getting older Crusty. Up a few times at night.
We arrived late arvo at a freecamp at Point Lowly in SA and the oversubscribed spread of Grey Gonads hogged all the choice spots spreading their crap out over large acreage, leaving a 45deg pitched jump up which would have us lodged btw the rubbish bins and public toilet block. I would have struggled to stay on the bed without a climbing harness. We parked up just to have a wander around before we moved off to find something else at the late hour. Wandering down to the water of the small enclosed marina/ramp area, we passed the large flat vacant carpark looking area (up behind the van in the pic). It was a lovely spot right on the water and hard as we searched couldn't find a sign prohibiting us from camping there ..... obviously we werent allowed, but in the absence of a sign I decided to roll the dice and propped right on the edge of the high watermark. Beautiful, but fully expecting to short shifted the following day.

Following morning wandering up to the toilet and had a chat with one of more friendly Gonads, and the topic came up of our sneaky stealth camping on the water's edge. They laughed ... stealth camping?? no no no you idiot, camp where you like Crusty, all the Gonads are just hogging the toilets for the night time multiple Point Lowly Gift dash to the dunny and they cant camp any more than 20ft from a dunny without blowing a valve. Youll never find a Gonad all the way over where you are Crusty ... well not without a nappy anyway



Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
I first look for the toilets then head as far away as possible, no yippy yappers or some ding bat parking on top....actually free camps with no dunnies are best....if this place had showers it would be packed with the doderers.