Exterior Dreaded Toilet Cassette Clean up..


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
With a few posts about black goobers in the flush water tank and since I just keep my flush tank and cassette charged while not on road as we were only at home for 3 weeks or so at a time but ATM home for a few months so I thought I should start at the beginning and read the "manual".

The good book or pamphlet says after completely flushing the holding tank it should be stored "empty" and so should the flush water tank, now this is done as noted on some posts by gently pulling the bottom of the sight tube out from the clip and then pull down on the tube so it comes away from the top fitting, laying the tube down and it will drain, also remove the cap from the fill point then firmly but gently pull and twist it 180 deg so it will drain as well.....................

tiolet water1.jpg

Now at least once a year the cassette should be given a good clean out, (yeah yuck but I've changed far worse nappies) . Firstly fill it half full of water and give it a firm but gentle slosh around then dump it, of course this is assuming that you've dumped it at the end of the last trip. @relgate has pointed out the error of shaking the can vigorously, as you can upset the float switch.
Remove the slide hatch thing by turning so the arrow mark lines up with the circle with a small circle mark, the unit will then come off, this got a good hose down, a bit of a scrub and when dry, a quick spray of olive oil for lube of the rubber bits.
They recommend the Thetford oil or Olive Oil but not vaseline or vegetable oil.

I let mine air dry and then packed it all away.
When cleaning out the housing unit in van, there are 2 panels in the floor which need to be removed regularly and cleaned out the front one is really just to store small chem bottles but the rear one is actually to hold any overflow from your can, if it gets overfull it has a valve which dumps into this cavity, so on a trip it is wise to check this regularly as it can be nasty.

While no goobers in my flush water I did notice some black stuff in the bottom of the fill pipe where the water sits all the time.

Link to changing flush water pump: http://www.expandasdownunder.com/threads/no-flush.6232/#post-101171
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Staff member
Feb 2, 2012
Sydney, NSW
Great write up drover. Just one thing. I saw a vid a while back with a dunny tech. He said he repairs heaps of cassettes that are stuffed by too much shaking/swirling when rinsing. Apparently the little float valve which tells when full is susceptible to excess shaking.