tow vehicle wind deflector


Site Founder
Staff member
Dec 22, 2009
Western, Sydney....
We don't mind what van you have :)

And we like pics of all vans even better!

I haven't tried the wind defelector myself but don't relieve believe it will give you that much more fuel economy to justify fitting it.

Is the navara diesel or petrol?

FYI - Move the thread to the tow vehicle section as you might get more of a response there :)!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2013
Newcastle NSW
I used one years ago, it needs to be mounted as far back as possable so as the wind does not swirl back inbetween the deflector and the van. They work well with older vans that have a non-aerodynamic shape (the bubbles at the top). Most modern vans have a fairly slippery shape so limited advantage gain by using one.

The biggest effect on fuel economy is actually weight, as opposed to wind drag (although this does still impact). A 22ft van will weigh in near the 3t mark loaded, you will probably find that your fuel economy would be very similar with a trailer loaded with 3t of bricks.

My economy has only risen by 0.5l/100 with the expanda over the soft floor camper.
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