Journey Qld police checking overweight rigs.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
Qld police apparently at Rolleston a few days ago checking rig weights ,100% weighed over weight.At Woodford rigs being weighed as well plus fines issued,.! Going to be interesting for some van owners.Dump the water or leave mum behind.,!

Boots in Action

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Ferny Grove, Queensland
Qld police apparently at Rolleston a few days ago checking rig weights ,100% weighed over weight.At Woodford rigs being weighed as well plus fines issued,.! Going to be interesting for some van owners.Dump the water or leave mum behind.,!
Haven't been through Rolleston for a while when going to Carnarvon Gorge, but often through Woodford on the "Dag Highway" to quite a few places. Often seen lots of Police there, but not Transport guys looking at rigs.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Thats why CB always on, the blue lights don't worry me its that maroon strobe thats the scary one, Police can't do the compliance but the Scalies can............ Mobile barbies will certainly catch more as they do individual axle weights where a bridge with vans does the GCM first and one can escape the breakdown unless you look dodgy...................... been a few panics but if only coppers it will be blow in the bag or lick the stick............

Hitting the road

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2022
I guess the upside is the Scalies are more on the look out for those naughty truckers and log book breaches rather than errant caravan towers, more kudos for them in fining a poor ole truck driver for forgetting to cross a T in his log book!

Speaking of CB's, my better half hates the thing due to the "colourful" language used by many annoys me too when she is on board, but couldn't care less when on my own.
We were on the Gateway Motorway heading North on Monday with the van in tow heading to Noosa North Shore for a few days. As we were driving the better half turned to me and said that the truck driver in a B Double pulling alongside us is trying to tell us UHF on of course, she hates she wound the window down and the driver told her that a window was open on the van and was flapping in the breeze.
I switched on the UHF to 40 and thanked the driver as I pulled over in an emergency stopping was the "picnic table" that had dropped open for some reason, obviously yours truly hadn't latched it properly! Anyway, I am allowed to have the UHF on now as she understands why it can be good to have it

Oh, my scales finally arrived this week too, so I will actually be able to do individual axle weighs on both tug and van...I'll post them when done to compare with the "theoretical" weights...


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
Well we got to Rubyvale via wet and boggy Esk last Saturday ,on to Cania Gorge for couple of very cold nights .
Only seen one hiway patrol so far ,so pretty smooth sailing!However some nutters on the roads.Ruby Cpk full
after the Gem Fest weekend.Got a few nice stones yesterday .Leave for Blacks Beach Mackay Tuesday,short trip this year due to a family christening.Guy next to me said he was out at Longreach ,over sevenhundred vans counted.!2010 Grand Cherokee diesel going well ,but after eleven years ownership the b……..y oil dipstick still gives me the irrits.!No oil one minute ,full when left overnight etc.Glad have the Provent 200 as these Merc V6s put out plenty of blowby.