17' Series Ongoing Aircon Issues....Aircommand Sparrow


Active Member
Mar 20, 2013
We have a 2012 17.56-2 that has caused us few problems over the 3.5 years we have had her......however.....

In 2014 around spring time i had an issue with the aircon....It was displaying an error essentially telling me that the coil was overheating and cutting out the aircon. I took it to Jayco who investigated that the condensor fan had seized and they "fixed" the problem. They told me also i needed to run the aircon every 4-6 weeks when not out and about to keep it lubricated and working properly....i thought this was odd...but tried my best to follow this the next year....and forked out 140 bucks to jayco for the pleasure.

Spring 2015 rolls around and same thing....error message...over to Jayco and again condensor fan seized...another 140 bucks and again.....advised to run it every 4 weeks.

We are just preparing for a 3 week odyssey up north and I copped the same message again on the weekend......

Obviously i feel quite don't be rude about this as clearly Jayco haven't got the diagnosis right and seem happy to keep taking my cash and providing bandaid treatments. So I ring Jayco and they are seemingly amazed this has happened again ( i dont buy it), I tell them the predicament im in that im leaving on the 10th and they say sorry cant help you our aircon guy is away....but tells us we might have to fork out for a new condenser motor....by this time im so don't be rude...They give me the name of another local accredited Jayco service provider locally and then that bloke gives me the run around unable to provide me with a name or number of someone who can help.

So I ring a non Jayco van dealer who i have recently gone through for a Service who has also sold my brother a Royal Flair and were really reasonable in all the dealings i've had.....I like supporting local blokes where possible.

This bloke says he isn't surprised our local Jayco dealer pulls this don't be rude all the time and he has to clean up their don't be rude and says I probably have a case for a level of reimbursement given the works carried out have not properly resolved the issue. He is only to happy to get me in to have it looked by his aircon contractor within 48 hours.

I guess i'm interested i advice regarding whether its worth my while seeking some reimbursement from Jayco?


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
It's always worth a try, though I wouldn't let them at the van again, sounds like they never changed the fan just freed it up again......be interesting to see what the other fella finds.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2014
I'd contact Air Command direct, and not bother with the dealers for this issue.

I had a concern about my Ibis being noisy not long after I purchased my van new. Jayco Sydney put me in touch with the Air Command service rep who gave me his number and told me to store it in my phone encase I had any problems in the future.
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Active Member
Mar 20, 2013
So local van servicing center called me and the whole fan assembly (fan & motor) was completely fucked. The rep said when he pulled the casing off it was so hot you couldn't touch it and could have been a fire risk. He also stated the air con guy who checked it said he has no idea how they got it going again because the whole assembly is contained...there is no where you can lubricate it to get it going.....

I tell you what...Jayco better get its story straight because i'm bloody ropeable!


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Argh !!!!! look for the tell tale hammer marks on the housing.