14' Series Maho's 14.44-4 OB


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
The wait is blood y torture.....................just throw some food in, some clobber, party stuff and go to somewhere nearby thats nice and have a play for the first weekend, don't worry about the accessories or other rubbish, just sit back of the evening with a beverage and relax, you don't need a lot of stuff just a plate to eat off and a roof to stay dry which i suppose in Vic is a priority.....................can opener and full gas bottles is a must.
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Apr 8, 2016
We picked up our van last Monday, and we are pretty happy with it. The storage and accessories in it compared to our old soft floor camper are amazing!

I'm a bit lacking in the photos at this point, but I'll put a few up. I have already put some aluminium mesh in the A frame to house our toilet, and some firewood. I've also had to move the external gas point for the Webber, because where some nufty put it, you can't attach the gas hose to it because it was over a steel plate.

Where they put the to antennae point and 12 v socket is a bit useless to, because when they are plugged in, you can't acces the front tunnel boot, and it can also be kicked with your foot when in bed.

I have order a rear wheel carrier and wil be relocating the spare to the rear bumper. I have also bought a rear view camera but are yet to wire it up.

We slept in the van on Friday night, as the kids were pretty excited (so was I!), and we experienced for ourselves the jayco super hard mattress! It's bloody awful! I'm thinking of getting a custom mattress made, because if we don't get a good night sleep, we all tend to get a bit grumpy the next day! I'll post a few pics soon.
